
Sundry, Technical, Technology, Testimonials


Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/07/16/airhowa-png/


Virgin America has wireless access on its flights. For $13 you get enough bandwidth to video conference. It was fun.

I tried not to talk too much or too loudly from my seat. To be sure, everyone on Virgin America is pretty much immersed in their personal entertainment anyway so its not so much of a thing.

(Thanks, Todd, for the screen capture.)

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Sundry, Technical, Technology, Testimonials

WFA = “Working From Air”

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/07/10/wfa-work-from-air/

I’m flying to New York. Fortunately, I needn’t lose a work day because for $15, Virgin America has got me on the Internet!

It is zippy enough, and the latency is perfectly fine, so I am guessing it is a terrestrial network. VPN works fine, too.

Last Result:
Download Speed: 964 kbps (120.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 337 kbps (42.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

It is a bit cramped, for sure. Fortunately, my Dell Mini 10 arrived yesterday, with Ubuntu pre-installed. (Vendor Linux!) I hope to write more about that later, but this is a zippy little thing that is probably about as usable as you’re ever going to get in a coach class airplane seat. Yay!

Virgin claim to have power plugs at each seat. I haven’t seen mine, but given the battery life this thing claims, I shouldn’t need to plug in for the duration of this continental crossing.

That looks like . . . Nevada. No . . . we’re above US Route 6 in Utah. 2112 miles to go. That’s another thing I dig about Virgin America: an interactive map at the seat terminal, and an adjustable headrest, which Southwest lacks . . .

Well, this is a work day, better get back to working.

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About Me, Sundry, Technical, Technology

Snapshot: My E-mail Archive

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/07/04/snapshot-my-e-mail-archive/

0-14:22 djh@ratchet ~> ls -lh mail/archive-*
-rw-------  1 djh  djh    18M Jun 14 17:17 mail/archive-1997
-rw-------  1 djh  djh    29M Jun 14 17:16 mail/archive-1998
-rw-------  1 djh  djh    18M Jun 14 17:13 mail/archive-1999
-rw-------  1 djh  djh    26M Jun 14 17:13 mail/archive-2000
-rw-------  1 djh  djh    25M Jun 14 17:11 mail/archive-2001
-rw-------  1 djh  djh    18M Jun 17  2004 mail/archive-2002
-rw-------  1 djh  djh    25M Jun 14 17:09 mail/archive-2003
-rw-------  1 djh  djh    15M Jun 14 17:08 mail/archive-2004
-rw-------  1 djh  djh    63M Jun 14 17:05 mail/archive-2005
-rw-------  1 djh  djh   202M Jun 14 16:54 mail/archive-2006
-rw-------  1 djh  djh   362M Jun 14 18:06 mail/archive-2007
-rw-------  1 djh  djh   202M Jun 14 19:17 mail/archive-2008

I recently went through, and using mutt’s date-range filters, revised my e-mail archives, most notably saving messages stored in Gmail into these annual mbox archives.

I think it was around late 2005 that I started using Flickr, so the ramp up in sizes is pictures being e-mailed from mobile devices.

I delete most e-mail that I receive, but I pretty much archive all personal correspondence, and anything I send.

Also, I was disappointed that when I tried to copy archival messages into Gmail, via IMAP, Gmail would interpret the message date as the date it was copied in to the archive, and not the date the messages was created. That was disappointing. I like Gmail’s search capability, so it would have been nice to give it access to my corpus.

Mainly though, I dig Gmail’s interface, especially while traveling. But I recently got mutt running again because it is a much faster way to step through an Inbox and delete / reply / Archive than clicky click web interface. If only I could give it access to my Gmail contacts . . .

March 1997 was when my server hard drive crashed, and after that I began to take disaster recovery more seriously.

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Sundry, 中文

保我安全: “Ensure My Safety”

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/06/23/ensure-my-safety/

保我安全: "Ensure My Safety"

There’s a new billboard at the bus stop at 19th Ave and Taraval. I could read the first three characters with my own little brain:

保 Insurance
我 I
安 Safety / shelter

Looking up the fourth character: 全 (all) I see that the last two characters together mean "safety". 安 is easy to remember, because "woman under a roof" means safety / shelter / security.

Ensure My Safety

There are many insurance agencies in the neighborhood.


News and Reaction, Sundry, Technical, Technology

AdSense Suspended

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/06/17/adsense-suspended/

Back in 2005, Marissa Mayer, VP of Search Products & User Experience at Google, stated:

“There will not be crazy, flashy, graphical doodads flying and popping up all over the Google site. Ever.”

Apparently Google lacks the same sort of respect for the web sites of its AdSense customers, because they started putting animated advertising on my site.

“Say it aint so.”

According to Google’s “self-service tech support” there is no way to turn them off, short of reverting to text-only ads.

This is wrong on a few levels. And I’m not sure if Google is just being its regular sloppy self or if they are getting desperate for revenue such that they’re finding more wiggle room in the “don’t be evil” philosophy.

Whatever is going on down in Mountain View, I will just get along without the $10/mo or so I’ve gotten from AdSense revenue.

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Sundry, Technical, Technology

Spam: Honorable Mention

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/06/17/spam-honorable-mention/

I hate spam at least as much as the next guy. Heck, fighting spam is my day job. But I just gotta say, this little guy who made it through the Gmail spam filter this morning just made me smile:


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Transit Etiquette

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/05/27/transit-etiquette/

I will never forget a day in high school when I was sitting on a crowded bus, headed home, and the lady in front of me, who was not old or pregnant, had what looked to me to be a pained expression on her face. I wondered if maybe her legs hurt as the vehicle lurched around, but I was a shy kid scared to offer her my seat in case really I had just totally misread the situation. After a while the crowd eased and the woman took a seat near me with obvious relief. I had failed on that day to give my seat to someone in need, and ever since I have made an effort not to repeat that mistake by paying greater attention to my fellow passengers.

Priority Seating (CC: Dan4th)

I still ride transit most weekdays, and I have noticed especially that younger people tend to fail at the whole courtesy thing. Part of it may be self-involved rudeness, but part of it I think is a combination of shyness, and a fear of making contact with strangers in a public place. My generation was raised on the lessons that the world outside our homes is extremely violent and treacherous and that the most dangerous thing a child could ever ever do is to talk to a stranger. I like to think that with time most people grow out of their shells and feel more comfortable taking the initiative for social responsibility.

My own strategy is that if I see a person who might better deserve my seat, I try to make eye contact, at which point I start to get out of my chair. Then they either move forward or gesture for me to sit down. (It is better to err on the side of getting someone a seat. Also, I think people looking for a seat know to look others in the eye.) In other cases if the vehicle is crowded and eye contact can not be achieved, I’ll often just stand the heck up anyway, positioning myself in such a way that the person who could best use my seat finds it most accessible. (I would hate for a young punk to ignorantly snipe my seat.) (more…)

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Excerpts, Featured, Good Reads, Quotes, Sundry

Humanity: Developmental Retards

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/04/14/systematic-developmental-retardation/

I am presently enjoying an old thick history book. A footnote in the first chapter says:

“Biologically considered, the distinguishing mark of humanity was systematic developmental retardation, making the human child infantile in comparison to the normal protohuman. Some adult human traits are also infantile when compared to those of an ape: e.g., the overdevelopment of brain size in relation to the rest of the body, underdevelopment of teeth and brow-ridges. But developmental retardation of course meant prolonged plasticity, so that learning could be lengthened. Thereby the range of cultural as against mere biological evolution widened enormously; and humanity launched itself upon a biologically as well as historically extraordinary career.”

W H McNeill
“The Rise of the West”

I was thinking that domesticated animals are similarly developmentally retarded relations of their wild kin. Dogs mature to a wolfishly adolescent level. By remaining in a younger, more affably co-dependent state, they more easily get along with humans. From what I have seen, a lot of adult humans could be described as childish, and while the usual concern is that they are less effective for their childishness, they also subordinate themselves more readily to more ambitious leaders, and this facilitates collaboration.

Or, I guess, domesticated humans and animals fall more naturally into packs, for better and for worse.

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About Me, News and Reaction, Sundry

Better Slacking Through Science!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/04/02/better-slacking-through-science/

Look what I found on the Internet, via a Facebook friend: Facebook, YouTube make better employees: study

The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive that those who do not.

[ . . . ]

“Short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf of the Internet, enables the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a days’ work, and as a result, increased productivity,” [Study author Brent Coker] said.

Nine percent, biatch! The article points out they’re talking Internet browsing < 20% of the time, and that Internet addicts lose productivity. I think this is consistent with “work-life balance” . . . take a break to clear your mind, then get back to work refreshed.

Taking a walk in the sunshine is also a nice alternative to the Intarnetz.

I also think drinking lots of water and coffee is a good habit: you keep getting out of your chair to adjust your fluid balance, if ya know what I mean. Also, eating-at-your-desk is an awful awful sin which should be committed only when you don’t have much choice. Like, on Tuesday I had an all-day deployment, otherwise I take my food down to a sunny spot in the cafeteria and enjoy with a book or magazine.

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News and Reaction, Sundry

Bribed by Haagen-Dazs

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/03/27/oh-god-yum/

Haagen-Dazs responded to my feedback really darn quick. I’ve been slow in sharing. Too busy eating free ice cream . . .

Dear Mr. Howard,

Thank you for your email regarding the change to the size of our Häagen-Dazs cartons. We understand your concern and appreciate your giving us the opportunity to explain.

As you might imagine, the cost of continuing to offer the country’s finest all-natural superpremium ice cream has increased dramatically over the last several years. On average, we’re paying 25% more for raw ingredients today, and this is true despite what you may be hearing about a drop in some food costs.

By downsizing our cartons rather than increasing the price per carton, we’re balancing our need to cover our increased costs with the realization that our country is in an economic recession. We wanted to avoid a price increase that could put Häagen-Dazs out of reach for consumers.

From our choice of ingredients to the careful and deliberate way we craft our ice cream, we never skimp on quality. Nor will we compromise our commitment to 100% all-natural ingredients. We believe Häagen-Dazs ice cream lovers appreciate and rely on that commitment.

Please watch your mail for two gift certificates to arrive shortly, with our hope that you will continue to enjoy your favorite Häagen-Dazs flavors.


Katty Pien
Häagen-Dazs Brand Director

It’s like 27 flavors of Awesome!

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Featured, Sundry, Technology, Testimonials

Xoopit Feedback

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/03/27/xoopit-feedback/

Some ways back I followed some advice somewhere and tried the Xoopit plugin for Gmail under the delusion that it would somehow make my life better. It was kind of cute but it also got in the way so I uninstalled the plugin. But I kept getting e-mails from them about all the crap it was indexing in my inbox. So, I finally deleted my account, at which point they sent me a message reminding me that I’ll have to kill the plugin, and also:

I’m not going to stick something in my mouth that is named “choke.” (CC: spychic)

Finally, please take one minute and reply to this email and let us know what you didn’t like about Xoopit. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us!

Now, getting in to delete the account had been frustrating enough, because when you don’t remember your password and click on the password reset link they send you an e-mail that links to a web page where you can reset your password after you correctly enter your password. Yeah, that had me confused too, until I re-read the thing and it said “enter your Gmail password” which worked but then I was reminded that I’d given my Gmail password to something called Xoopit and I felt dirty all over again.

Anyway, here’s some of what I wrote. I think the name thing is important:

Also, and I mean, what’s in a name? I don’t eat artichokes. They may be delicious, but you know what? I’m not going to stick something in my mouth that is named “choke” . . . it just sounds like common sense. Xoopit? Okay? Like Arm pit? Tar pit? Snake pit? Is it pronounced Zoo Pit? Is that like where they dump all the animal feces to compost? Because I mean, they way you guys Hoover up all the multimedia crap in my Gmail it kinda feels that way. “Look! Look! I indexed all the crap you don’t care to look at, and I’m sending you more crap to delete!”

There is too much crap in my inbox. If you can make it better, you could be more useful to me. If you make it worse, I dump you. That’s it!

And, seriously, xoopit? You need to work on that name. Yes, Google is the best search engine, but it wouldn’t have caught on if it were named Dogpile.

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Featured, News and Reaction, Sundry, Testimonials

Al Gore Feeds Global Warming Skeptics

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/03/27/al-gore-feeds-global-warming-skeptics/

The other day at lunch my coworker challenged me:

“You know that Global Warming isn’t real, right?”

“Uh huh,” I said.

“No, really! Don’t just agree with me because you think I’m crazy!”

“Uh huh. Well . . .”

He then went on to explain that we only know how much carbon is in the atmosphere for a few centuries, max. I then explained that scientists go to Antarctica and Greenland, drill deep holes in the ice, and can analyze the frozen atmosphere from tens of thousands of years ago. He explains that carbon has fluctuated a great deal over time, and it is no big deal, and I explain that our species has developed civilization during a period of climatic stability, and that the last time there was this much carbon in the atmosphere there were dinosaurs running around, so the Earth can totally handle global warming but we’re not sure if homo homo sapiens will survive it. He was like well its too late to stop it anyway, and I would have gone on to explain that when you’re driving your car into a tree, you hit the breaks instead of the gas, because then you’re more likely to live and have a better chance of reducing damage to and repairing your car . . . but we headed back to the office before things got too stupid.

And then, today, Al Gore posts a dramatic video to his blog.

And I watch it, and I’m like “yeah . . . glacier retreating.” Then I look at the caption:

This remarkable image sequence captures a series of massive calving events at Columbia Glacier near Valdez, Alaska. Composed of 436 frames taken between May and September of 2007, it shows the glacier rapidly retreating by about half a mile (1.6 kilometers), a volume loss of some 0.4 cubic miles (1.67 cubic kilometers) of ice or 400 billion gallons (1.5 trillion liters) of water.

And I’m like “a dramatic video of a glacier melting in Alaska over the course of five months . . . in the summer!”

And I’m like “Holy crap, Al, do you ever speak with a skeptic?! A dramatic video of a glacier melting in the summer makes you look like a tool!”

But, there’s no comments or feedback on his blog, so if I wish to sublimate my angst, I’ll do it here.

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Sundry, Testimonials

Capital One Visa are Greedy Bastards

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/03/20/capital-one-visa-are-greedy-bastards/

Recently someone obtained my social security number and home address and phoned in to various credit card companies claiming to be me, claiming they were traveling and needed a cash advance. They claimed they had left the credit card at home and otherwise failed to provide correct information. So, the credit card companies said no, and each in turn called me, and offered to send me new cards with new credit card numbers, just in case, and I put a fraud alert on my credit report, and aside from the idea that someone is running around with my social security number and will surely try to identity thieve one day in the future, life went on happily.

My Chase credit cards both appeared overnight, on my doorstep, courtesy of FedEx. I have double-checked now, and seen no fees for this courtesy. Capital One, on the other hand, appeared the next week via first class USPS. That’s good enough for me, but what also appeared the next week was a statement with a $16.00 “Fast Card Fee”.

So, instead of calling in to activate the card, I called customer support. Within a few minutes I got a nice lady on the line, and instead of activating I simply canceled the card. I explained that the Fast Card Fee was insulting and wrong. She processed the cancellation and asked if there was anything else to be done. I thought a moment and asked to speak to the manager and when she asked why I explained that I wanted the Fast Card Fee refunded since the fee was not disclosed to me when the service was offered and contrary to her understanding the card was not dispatched “express mail” rather USPS First Class and further more those cards that had bothered with the expense of overnight mail didn’t charge me anything.

She went away for two minutes and when she returned she explained that she had gotten the fee reversed on the grounds that it had not been disclosed, but that even though the fee was canceled I should go ahead and pay the minimum balance by the due date and it would subsequently be refunded to me. I explained that I would do no such thing because by canceling the fee my balance would be 0 by the due date and if they want to charge me a late fee for failing to pay a zero balance . . .

Anyway, we’ll see. I’m mailing the thing back to them with a note and if they want to dig a deeper hole I’ll give them what for. As it is it is just nice to vent a little testimonial on my web site.


News and Reaction, Sundry, Testimonials

I Scream!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/03/12/haagen-dazs-downsizing/

I just learned that Haagen Dazs are downsizing their ice cream cartons from 16oz to 14oz. I don’t like this!

Feedback to Haagen Dazs:

If this were any other food, reducing the size a bit to keep costs in line and maybe keep us from getting fat is a reasonable thing. But Haagen Dazs isn’t food, it is Joy in the form of a delicious treat and I would much rather pay a little bit more for Joy than receive less.

Ben and Jerry’s is keeping their size and their comparable price, but their ice cream is overly-sweet glop. Haagen Dazs is a superior product for which I’d gladly pay a bit more!


UPDATE: Haagen-Dazs responded by sending me free ice cream!

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Free Style, Sundry

Make-Your-Own Album Cover

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2009/02/23/chumbhotbongs-paribatra/


Here’s what the kids are doing on Facebook:

1 – Click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The title of the first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 – Click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 – Click http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 – Use Gimp or similar to put it all together.

Obviously I’m just killing some time. It is a quiet rainy Sunday. I’m making bread and have plenty of domestic obligations.

The above image could well be construed as lèse majesté in Thailand.

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