
This page features every post I write, and is dedicated to Andrew Ho.

July 3, 2011
Photo-a-Day, Sundry

Breakfast Party

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/07/03/breakfast-party/

Florentine, waffles and fruits! Oh my!

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July 2, 2011


Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/07/02/colby/

This photo sucks. But Colby rocks it anyway.

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July 1, 2011

Sleeping With a Toy

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/07/01/sleeping-with-a-toy/

Maggie snoozes off, not letting a friend's home-made fish toy loose from her grasp.

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June 30, 2011
Technical, Technology

UPS Tracking Numbers DO Roll Over!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/06/30/ups-tracking-number-rollover/

My package was shipped today. It arrived last January.

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June 30, 2011

Bay Trail Panorama

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/06/30/bay-trail-panorama/

Stitched together with Hugin, the best panorama creator ever!

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June 29, 2011
Sundry, Testimonials

Pricing Truck Rentals: Budget vs Penske

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/06/29/pricing-truck-rentals-budget-vs-penske/

[Notes from my move from Brooklyn to Mountain View, CA in July 2010. We rented a truck and towed a car. We drove via I-80/I-70. We stayed at Motel 6 when we could, and I asked my Android GPS to avoid tolls, especially East of the Mississippi.]

When I moved from California to New York I went with Budget Truck rental, based on price. It went well enough. This time I’m going with Penske, based on my sweetheart’s AAA discount. Penske’s web site is more polished, especially the “enter make and model of car to be towed” interaction. Today I received a 20% discount coupon for Budget. I made my reservation and was pleased that the price came out lower, until I reviewed my Penske reservation and saw they had included tax in their total. Budget did not. It also looks like Penske applies the AAA discount per-item, where Budget’s discount was only on the truck itself.

Item Budget Penske
Discount 20% coupon 12% AAA + web discount
10-day one-way 16′ truck rental $1,291.20 $1,250.06
Tow Dolly $185.00 $264.00
Hand Truck $35.00 $17.60
2-dozen furniture pads $54.00 $26.40
“Cost recovery fee” $33.00
Total $1,598.20 $1,558.06



June 29, 2011
Quotes, Technology, Testimonials

Sun, Wind, and Tide!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/06/29/hope-we-dont-run-out/

“We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using Nature’s inexhaustible sources of energy — sun, wind and tide . . . I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”

Thomas Edison

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June 28, 2011

Cat House

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/06/28/cat-house/

Maggie peers out from the Cat Ottoman.

Yes, we have a “Cat Ottoman.”

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June 27, 2011
Relationship Advice, Sundry, Technology, Testimonials

Cultivate Childhood Creativity

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/06/27/ken-robinson-ted-talk/

Trying to get your week going? Can’t quite find your groove? Try and spend 20 minutes with Ken Robinson.

Lots of good humor to deliver a simple and important message. We face an important problem in that we designed our primary education systems to build conformist factory workers. As we rocket ever faster in to our collective future, what we’ll need more than ever is the capacity to formulate creative solutions to our new problems. Kids start out creative, then we educate the creativity out of them. We need to do what we can to help our kids grow with access to the various disciplines which move them, so that they can realize their potential as 21st century human beings.

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June 26, 2011

Medical Consultation

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/06/26/medical-consultation/

I bet that bear gets hungry some times. But since he moved to Palo Alto he's a big sushi fan, so this lady will be okay.

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June 24, 2011

Hello, My Name is . . .

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/06/24/hello-my-name-is/

This printer is in the big leagues now!

“My friends call me Figaro.”

1 Comment

June 22, 2011

To Change a Lightbulb

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/06/22/to-change-a-lightbulb/

How many municipal employes does it take to change a light bulb? In Mountain View, CA, it apparently takes two.

This seems reasonable to me.

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