
About Me, Free Style, Photo-a-Day, Technology, Testimonials

Kevin Coval in Cupertino

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2012/02/26/remains-jane-addams-town/

This triptych of a poem caught my eye from across a classroom at De Anza college in Cupertino.

Break time during a class at De Anza College, I wander across the room. The skyline . . . that’s John Hancock. I start to read . . . words written by Kevin Coval.

My home town, Chicago, the city of broad shoulders and ambition, is where the wealthy have pushed the workers and the workers have pushed back. Jane Addams, as my memory serves, founded the Hull House back in the 19th century, to look after the needs of working people: meals, health care, education, general community services. At a time when class divisions were sharper than they are getting to be today, Jane Addams bucked the conventions of her time to push for the American ideal: that we all, regardless of class or wealth, merit a helping hand, a warm place to sleep, and nourishment for our bodies and our minds.

Growing up in Chicago, getting educated in the Chicago Public Schools, the sense of perpetual struggle for a better, more equitable future, I think it gets in to your blood. People come looking for a better life, and they find that sometimes they have to push a bit to realize that better life, if not for themselves then at least to give their children a shot. We’re all passing through those gates, at our respective levels of society, and the struggle never dies and the struggle must never be forgotten.

Now I live in the Silicon Valley, where people struggle and strive, and while the ultimate aim is to make the world more comfortable and efficient, the focus is pretty far removed from the front lines of class warfare. Even so, I ride the train every day past miles of walled mobile home parks, and I wonder if there’s more going on beneath the surface than us privileged IT folk know.

A quote from Al Franken, via The Sun:

“In her book A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous Fourteenth Century, Barbara Tuchman writes about a peasant revolt in 1358 that began in the village of St. Leu and spread throughout the Oise Valley. At one estate, the serfs sacked the manor house, killed the knight, and roasted him on a spit in front of his wife and kids. Then, after ten or twelve peasants violated the lady, with the children still watching, they forced her to eat the roasted flesh of her dead husband and then killed her. That is class warfare. Arguing over the optimum marginal tax rate for the top 1 percent is not.”

Arguing over the margins, in the grand scheme of things, describes my day job.

and we need heroes
who stand up to giants
who carry a big bat to home plate
though the pitcher is throwing money
balls and the umps are in on the fix.

I’m no hero and my bat is nothing to brag about, but I relish those occasions when I do get to step up to the bat and swing, however ineffectually, at a ball I’m not allowed to hit. Its the Chicago in me. I owe more.

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Python, Sundry, Technology

PYCON Starts March 7th!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2012/02/08/derr/

From an email to colleagues:

Yesterday I got Dr Sick Wife to drop me off at the Santa Clara Convention Center so Mr Sicker Light-Headed Husband wouldn’t miss any PYCON. After an awkward twenty minutes of asking people there for the lighting and LED conference where the Python was, I checked my smart phone and noted that … PYCON is *MARCH* 7th.

So I took the light rail home and told $BOSS I was on PTO (well, I call it MLK day due to Puppet Training) I then slept a lot, and did other things sick people do that don’t bear repeating in a professional context, and watched Dr Who save the Earth on TV, slept some more, and I am feeling way better today, which means I feel regular sick, not super sick.

So, I’ll be WFH today. Trust me, whatever this is, you’re lucky to miss out! I don’t normally get sick so this is a novel experience … I’ll likely be seen in the office next week, though if I’m coughy or sneezy I’ll keep that train wreck at home, because, as you might gather, you don’t want a piece of this!

If you’re attending PyCon, I look forward to seeing you there … next month! Hopefully I won’t be light-headed!

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About Me, Chief Illiniwek, Letters to The Man, News and Reaction, Politics, Testimonials

Good “Luck” Stanford Indians!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2012/01/03/good-luck-stanford-indians/

I found this in the Palo Alto Daily News today:

Good "LUCK" Stanford Indians "Give 'm the axe"

Stanford stopped using an Indian as a sports mascot in 1972. That put them 35 years ahead of Illinois. We retired our Indian mascot in 2007. (I’m still embarrassed about that.)

Anyway, since Patrick White saw fit to publish his name, face, and contact information alongside a racist cartoon in a newspaper, I dropped him a line suggesting that something might be amiss, and he wrote back saying that no, he was proud to stand by his cartoon, so I shared my own feelings with him:

It is good to cheer on your sports team, but I suspect that if the sports team mascot when you were growing up had been a buck-toothed, squint-eyed Chinaman in a big peasant hat, that you might think twice about printing a Chinaman cartoon in the newspaper. If you were to have such respect for Chinese people and culture, perhaps Indians merit the same sort of respect.

When I was younger my school had an Indian Chief for a mascot. The dozens of our Native American students found it upsetting and it took a few decades of protesting before it was finally removed. While one side found it upsetting that their culture was caricatured to cheer on a sports team, fans of The Chief took offense that Liberal Elites wanted to destroy their culture by imposing Political Correctness on their Hallowed Tradition. So, you had folks insisting that they had to insult another culture in order to properly honor their own culture.

Anyway, some years after I graduated, The Chief got to retire. Alumni kept contributing money and people kept cheering on their team as they had before. Nothing positive was lost, and our school has since regained some respect it had lost during its years of overt racism.

You can make fun of me and rationalize printing racially offensive cartoons in the newspaper all you like, but somewhere deep down, you know it is not right, and you know that you are offending people and scaring away potential clients. Most people are too polite to raise a fuss. But this topic means something to me, so I thought I’d drop you a line and encourage you to think things through.

I don’t need to change Pat White’s mind, and I surely don’t need him to manage my wealth. On the whole, the world seems to be taking a step or two forward for each step back. But it sure is weird to see a racist cartoon published in a newspaper is 2012, 40 years after Stanford managed to figure out that American Indians deserve a little more respect.

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Photo-a-Day, Testimonials

I <3 Real Books

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/29/living-breathing-tactile-books-4ever/






Hold and keep
or give away

Now on display

Books Inc. Mountain View, CA

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News and Reaction, Technology

Lizard Gaming

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/15/lizard-gaming/

Ant smasher!

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Good Reads, Letters to The Man, News and Reaction, Politics, Religion, Technology, Testimonials

The Greatest Speech Ever Made

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/12/the-greatest-speech-ever-made/

Unexpected tear-jerker.

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News and Reaction, Photo-a-Day, Sundry, Technology, Testimonials

Nobody Uses the Post Office Any More

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/10/nobody-uses-the-post-office-any-more/


Especially in Mountain View, CA, the heart of the Silicon Valley.


News and Reaction, Politics, Sundry

Does President Obama Practice Appeasement?

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/08/ask-osama/

Hell yeah, my man is going to play the bin Laden card!

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Sundry, Technical, Technology, Testimonials, WordPress

Is CloudFlare Saving Me Money?

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/11/23/is-cloudflare-saving-me-money/

I was poking around my CloudFlare Control Panel, and pulled up stats for the past month, from Oct 11 to Nov 11. It says it had blocked a bunch of attacks on my site, and consequently saved me over 5GB in bandwidth.

5.1GB saved!?

I said to myself, "I pay for bandwidth! Maybe this free service is saving me money?!"

“Really,” I said, “I pay for bandwidth, so if CloudFlare is saving me bandwidth, it is saving me money!”

But 5GB seemed kind of high. So, I checked my invoices from RackSpace. Here is the outbound bandwidth I have been charged for this year:

Invoice Date   Bandwidth Out
11/11          4.660 GB
10/11          4.972 GB
09/11          7.534 GB
08/11          5.467 GB
07/11          6.402 GB
06/11          5.978 GB
05/11          4.694 GB
04/11          6.294 GB
03/11          6.254 GB
02/11          9.652 GB
01/11          7.117 GB

RackSpace charges me on the 11th of the month, and, conveniently enough, I started using CloudFlare around October 11th. The highlighted line above is my first month on CloudFlare. It is my lowest number of the year, and it is conceivable that I could have totaled 9.5 GB in October since I pushed more than that in February. I’m skeptical that they are saving me as much as they claim to be, but for a free service to speed up my web site and save me even a little money . . . that is a good deal in my book!

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About Me, Relationship Advice, Testimonials

Patient Friends

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/11/23/patient-friends/

There will be friends you haven’t exchanged a word with in years, and one day you’ll meet and it is as if no time has passed, except that you are a little older, a little wiser, a little more foolish, and you have a bunch of gossip to catch up on.

There were friends before there were text messages, or email, or telephones, or letters, or even an alphabet or a language.

Which is just a long-winded way of suggesting you don’t need to worry too much who is texting you back. Years from now you’ll know who some of these best friends from today are, and it won’t have much to do with who texted you back this week.

(From some unsolicited advice posted to a nephew on Facebook.)

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About Me, News and Reaction, Politics

Now I am Angry Too

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/11/19/now-i-am-angry-too/

Or, if that video isn’t available, just Google “UC Davis Pepper Spray”

You want to know why your fellow Americans are in the streets? You want to know what their message is? The message is that the power and the money are in the hands of fewer people, and that these folks at the top feel entitled to grab more and more and stomp on anyone who gets in their way. Getting angry over numbers is a little difficult, so this cop decided to illustrate the core problem by simply spraying peaceably assembled young people in the head.

The Occupy movement is giving voice to our collective anger. It is an anger we too often stifle for the sake of getting along in our own lives, but most of us know that things have gotten out of whack and this country needs to correct the way it manages things. Oh, but you say you want a fully-formed political agenda? I don’t have one. Nobody does and nobody should. Its called Democracy. But here are a few things, off the top of my head, that we could do:

I’m sure you have got an idea or two that may be worth talking about as well. Let us talk about these ideas. Let us promote these ideas. Heck, maybe we could even pass some of these ideas in to law. And let us give thanks to the radicals out there who by provoking Power provoke the anger within each of us.

UPDATE: studentactivism.net has an excellent summary of the events and their aftermath, and excrementalvirtue.com has good commentary regarding the above video, which if you can stand to watch through the first six minutes, you then see the angry student protesters calmly invite the cops to leave: “You can go! You can go!” Although one guy is waving tear gas canisters in the air, the cops huddle and back-step away. (Some of the cops have very clear body language that they do not want to be there.) “Whose quad? Our quad,” the students cheer upon the retreat of the police force. The eight-minute video is a beautiful illustration that starts with an abuse of false authority which rapidly gives way to a retreat by the abusers as the people proudly and non-violently secure their right of peaceful assembly.

These Davis students deserve an A for demonstrating how non-violent resistance can overcome oppression.

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Photo-a-Day, Relationship Advice, Testimonials

Postcard to the Past

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/11/05/postcard-to-the-past/


A nice story from Emily Rogers of Talent, Oregon, printed in The Sun.

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About Me, Technical, Technology, Testimonials

Google Reader Interface: -1

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/11/01/google-reader-interface-1/

Note to modern web designers: since the displays are becoming wide and short, please do not squander vertical screen space. Here’s a good example of what not to do:

Viewed full size, you see a window that is 705 pixels tall. The OS claims 24 pixels, the web browser claims 90 pixels, and the web application claims 250 pixels. So, by the time you hit the actual content, 50% of the window has been wasted!

Squinting into a tiny pane to read news makes me angry. Google, you can do way way better than this!

Hotpatch: Install New Google Reader Rectifier for Chrome, which relies on you bringing up the left pane. (Thanks, Mike!)

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Biography, News and Reaction, Technical, Technology

Birth of the Internet!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/10/28/birth-of-the-internet/

Leonard Kleinrock tells the story of the Internet’s birth. First word was LO:

And then, he shows us the world’s first router, which they were going to throw out:

My first experience of the Internet was a 1200 baud dialup connection to a USENET host that connected upstream twice a day at 2400 baud. That would have been around 1992 or 1993. (I was a broke highschool kid who couldn’t afford the $30/mo+ for a proper Internet connection.) My first email address was dannyman@netwrk21.chi.il.us, and I lost that address when my network uplink failed to pay his phone bill. Oh well!

When I started college in January, 1995, and had access to labs and labs and labs of computers directly connected via Ethernet, with Mosaic and Netscape installed, it was like I had found my Nerd Nirvana! It only got better when I took a C programming course on the Sun workstations in the basement of the DCL . . .

Hat Tip: Rackspace

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About Me, Recipes, Technical, Technology, Testimonials

Electronic Recipe Rant

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/10/28/electronic-recipe-rant/

A friend posted a link about some iPad App that will show you recipes. My reaction was one of being condescendingly underwhelmed, and here’s the gist of what I’d really like to see in a “cookbook app”:

“Will it plan a week’s menus based on seasonal ingredients and give you a shopping list? Because that’s the fucking time-consuming part the computers need to fix.

Any clown can convert a menu book to an App . . . and any clown can find a recipe, drive to the store, spend 45 minutes trying to find some ingredient they don’t know about which is out of season, pay a bunch of money, get home, if they still have the energy maybe cook something sorta edible . . .

. . . but this being the 21st century, an electronic cookbook ought to be able to suggest recipes for you based on the ingredients you have ready access to. (In your pantry, in your growing region, partner with a supermarket…) I have found a website that does a mediocre job of this. This thing is begging to be invented.

Anyway, what I’m saying is–cookbooks in an app–that’s like lets transcribe 15th century technology into silicon. I say hell no, with all this information technology let’s leverage the information to really make it easy for the people to cook healthy, inexpensive meals at home. THAT is the revolution that will make us all better off.”

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