
This page features every post I write, and is dedicated to Andrew Ho.

February 17, 2012
Photo-a-Day, Sundry


Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2012/02/17/cat-o-clock/


On days I Work From Home, Maggie enforces her mandated 3pm Pet-the-Cat break.

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February 8, 2012
Python, Sundry, Technology

PYCON Starts March 7th!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2012/02/08/derr/

From an email to colleagues:

Yesterday I got Dr Sick Wife to drop me off at the Santa Clara Convention Center so Mr Sicker Light-Headed Husband wouldn’t miss any PYCON. After an awkward twenty minutes of asking people there for the lighting and LED conference where the Python was, I checked my smart phone and noted that … PYCON is *MARCH* 7th.

So I took the light rail home and told $BOSS I was on PTO (well, I call it MLK day due to Puppet Training) I then slept a lot, and did other things sick people do that don’t bear repeating in a professional context, and watched Dr Who save the Earth on TV, slept some more, and I am feeling way better today, which means I feel regular sick, not super sick.

So, I’ll be WFH today. Trust me, whatever this is, you’re lucky to miss out! I don’t normally get sick so this is a novel experience … I’ll likely be seen in the office next week, though if I’m coughy or sneezy I’ll keep that train wreck at home, because, as you might gather, you don’t want a piece of this!

If you’re attending PyCon, I look forward to seeing you there … next month! Hopefully I won’t be light-headed!

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January 24, 2012
Photo-a-Day, Sundry

Happy Lunar New Year

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2012/01/24/happy-lunar-new-year/


Hello Kitty ♥s Beard Papa’s.

As seen in Cupertino, CA.

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January 18, 2012

Yamamoto in San Jose

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2012/01/18/yamamoto-in-san-jose/


A Yamamoto delivery van in San Jose.  I love these guys because the logo is a mama cat carrying a baby cat.

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January 13, 2012
About Me, Good Reads, Photo-a-Day

My First Book Credit

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2012/01/13/my-first-book-credit/


Cracking open a copy of “Human Transit” which I helped to illustrate!


January 3, 2012
About Me, Chief Illiniwek, Letters to The Man, News and Reaction, Politics, Testimonials

Good “Luck” Stanford Indians!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2012/01/03/good-luck-stanford-indians/

I found this in the Palo Alto Daily News today:

Good "LUCK" Stanford Indians "Give 'm the axe"

Stanford stopped using an Indian as a sports mascot in 1972. That put them 35 years ahead of Illinois. We retired our Indian mascot in 2007. (I’m still embarrassed about that.)

Anyway, since Patrick White saw fit to publish his name, face, and contact information alongside a racist cartoon in a newspaper, I dropped him a line suggesting that something might be amiss, and he wrote back saying that no, he was proud to stand by his cartoon, so I shared my own feelings with him:

It is good to cheer on your sports team, but I suspect that if the sports team mascot when you were growing up had been a buck-toothed, squint-eyed Chinaman in a big peasant hat, that you might think twice about printing a Chinaman cartoon in the newspaper. If you were to have such respect for Chinese people and culture, perhaps Indians merit the same sort of respect.

When I was younger my school had an Indian Chief for a mascot. The dozens of our Native American students found it upsetting and it took a few decades of protesting before it was finally removed. While one side found it upsetting that their culture was caricatured to cheer on a sports team, fans of The Chief took offense that Liberal Elites wanted to destroy their culture by imposing Political Correctness on their Hallowed Tradition. So, you had folks insisting that they had to insult another culture in order to properly honor their own culture.

Anyway, some years after I graduated, The Chief got to retire. Alumni kept contributing money and people kept cheering on their team as they had before. Nothing positive was lost, and our school has since regained some respect it had lost during its years of overt racism.

You can make fun of me and rationalize printing racially offensive cartoons in the newspaper all you like, but somewhere deep down, you know it is not right, and you know that you are offending people and scaring away potential clients. Most people are too polite to raise a fuss. But this topic means something to me, so I thought I’d drop you a line and encourage you to think things through.

I don’t need to change Pat White’s mind, and I surely don’t need him to manage my wealth. On the whole, the world seems to be taking a step or two forward for each step back. But it sure is weird to see a racist cartoon published in a newspaper is 2012, 40 years after Stanford managed to figure out that American Indians deserve a little more respect.

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December 30, 2011
About Me

Grown Man Playing With Christmas Toys

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/30/grown-man-playing-with-christmas-toys/

1 Comment

December 29, 2011
Photo-a-Day, Testimonials

I <3 Real Books

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/29/living-breathing-tactile-books-4ever/






Hold and keep
or give away

Now on display

Books Inc. Mountain View, CA

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December 26, 2011

Happy Christmas

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/26/happy-christmas/


. . . FIVE Mourning Doves . . .

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December 15, 2011
News and Reaction, Technology

Lizard Gaming

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/15/lizard-gaming/

Ant smasher!

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December 12, 2011
Good Reads, Letters to The Man, News and Reaction, Politics, Religion, Technology, Testimonials

The Greatest Speech Ever Made

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/12/the-greatest-speech-ever-made/

Unexpected tear-jerker.

1 Comment

December 10, 2011
News and Reaction, Photo-a-Day, Sundry, Technology, Testimonials

Nobody Uses the Post Office Any More

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/12/10/nobody-uses-the-post-office-any-more/


Especially in Mountain View, CA, the heart of the Silicon Valley.


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