Midwesterners know that after the discombobulating experience of TSA screening, that you need a space to recombobulate yourself and your luggage, and they designate that area appropriately. Them’s my people!
This page features every post I write, and is dedicated to Andrew Ho.
Midwesterners know that after the discombobulating experience of TSA screening, that you need a space to recombobulate yourself and your luggage, and they designate that area appropriately. Them’s my people!
Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2011/05/02/and-good-riddance/
Some folks are irritated with American reactions to the death of Osama bin Laden. Julie indicated that she had mixed feelings upon seeing our “own countrymen basically holding a frat party outside of the White House, hanging off of trees and singing ‘Nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, goodbye!'” I have heard others moan that this doesn’t change anything, why are we celebrating?
So, I expressed my own feelings in a comment on Julie’s blog:
I was happy about the news yesterday, and I still am. We killed a bad guy who has devoted his life to killing us. That is a victory, and I am proud and glad.
When the crowd outside the White House gathered and sang the Star Spangled Banner, it brought a tear to my eye. Then, America the Beautiful. People gathered at Ground Zero for a candle light vigil. In both places, the crowd chanted “USA! USA! USA!” They spoke for me.
I think it is debatable who kills the most Muslims. Our military adheres to Rules of Engagement that put them at greater risk in order to protect Muslim civilians. On the other hand, extremists recruit the young and naive to walk into crowds of Muslims wearing explosive vests.
We are not perfect and we shouldn’t pretend to be. We make mistakes, we kill innocents, and we have failed to hold ourselves to our own standards of humane treatment of prisoners and jurisprudence.
We are drawing down forces in Iraq, which has changed from a brutal dictatorship built on terror to a messy, unstable, imperfect democracy vulnerable to sectarian violence. We now have one less reason to linger in Afghanistan, which may help motivate the government there to get its act together.
Last night was progress. America done good and a bit of pride is perfectly reasonable.
I mean, its no Moon Landing. No sincere attempt to curb global warming or end world poverty, hunger, disease . . . but it is progress and I’ll celebrate it just the same.
“The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there’s no good reason to go into space–each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision.”
— Randall Munroe
Better a has-been than a never-was.
Maggie likes to try and wake me up early for breakfast. Spraying her with the water bottle hasn’t dissuaded her, so now I put her out on the porch. I have read that an automatic feeder could distract her attention: instead of bugging me she’ll watch vigilantly over the feeder. And since we’ll be out of town for two weeks in May it would be a worthwhile investment.
Alas, this PetSafe Electronic Pet Feeder didn’t last ten minutes before she was able to break in and get the kibble. I’m proud of her. But I’m looking forward to finding a feeder that will keep her entertained without bothering me in the morning.
From last August. Rotated, cropped and color enhanced.
Mei took this photo. I played around with it.