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I think Twitter is over rated. Some BBC commentator was yammering on the radio this weekend about how Twitter was insufficient to replace established media. WTF? Twitter is a way to waste a few minutes of time and occasionally score a chuckle or a wry observation off a friend. Much like a grilled cheese sandwich, Twitter should not be taken too seriously. And yet, there’s a whole ecosystem of people re-tweeting each other and #tagging their posts and live-tweeting as if like hey, its the blog-o-sphere 5.0 with a 140-character limit. Seriously, if you’re imitating the blagojoshere, you’re doing it wrong.

Today, I tweeted:

Twitter would be more pleasing if not for all the RT RT RT RT and #tagged #whoring #bullshit. I mostly un-follow those twats.

Which gets mirrored over to Facebook, where three people have “liked” it.

Consider this entry as my coming out of the Twitter closet. You can follow me if you like, but I really really really don’t care.

But I will say this for Twitter: it keeps my rants short!

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Categories: About Me, Featured, News and Reaction, Technology

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