
Technical, WordPress

Photos Flickr 0.5

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2007/06/06/photos-flickr-05/

I have had my sleeves rolled up . . . and I am having a blast! It is with some joy that I announce the release of the latest development version of my WordPress Flickr plugin, Photos Flickr 0.5:

Photos Flickr is an early version of a plugin that I am developing for WordPress blog software to display a user’s Flickr album within their blog. The result? Someone with a WordPress blog can now have a basic interface to let readers view their Flickr images, using their own web site and design.

Photos Flickr makes use of Dan Coulter‘s PHPFlickr library, which in turn accesses the Flickr API.

What’s new?

I also managed, despite myself, to release this (arguably) on-time! Yay me!

I would rate this release as cool-but-underwhelming or, “shows promise” . . .

Interested parties can check ongoing development plans / milestone on my projects page.

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Technical, WordPress

HOWTO: Add Print Stylesheet to WordPress

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2007/06/01/wordpress-media-print/

I wanted to print an article from my web site, but the printing was ugly. I had previously tried to fix up my printing by adding some @media print stuff to my stylesheet, but I found it wasn’t working. Since I have free time, I spent a bunch of it thrashing my head against the wall trying to figure out what’s up researching the correct approach. Finally, I found a wordpress.org article: “Styling for Print”.

To specify a “print” stylesheet for WordPress: (more…)

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Excerpts, Technical, WordPress

WordPress Upgraded

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2007/05/30/wordpress-22/

I successfully upgraded WordPress to 2.2. I don’t bother with WordPress upgrades that often, because even the simple “Five Step” procedure can get a bit hairy. I’m still grinning at “Step 3: Overwrite Files” . . .

Step 3: Overwrite Files

Get the latest and greatest WordPress and upload it to the WordPress directory, overwriting all the files that exist there only after you have delete the old files, which is explained as follows (do not overwrite your wp-content directory or wp-config.php). Important: when upgrading from 2.0.x to 2.2, or from 2.1.x to 2.2, you will need to delete old files on the server, because several file names have changed. What if something goes wrong, you ask? Well, did you not create a backup of all files in Step 1? You can fall back upon them in the worst case scenario. Deleting your old files on the server and uploading the newer files from the new version you downloaded is an alternative which will ensure that the files on the server have been replaced for sure.

According to my “worklog” file, the process took 25 minutes: (more…)

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Technical, WordPress

WordPress: Last Month / Next Month

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2005/12/11/wordpress-last-month-next-month/

I was tweaking the site navigation–and I welcome any feedback a reader may have–and I had to grab a plugin to allow me to link to next month / previous month / next year / previous year:

Next Archive Date / Previous Archive Date Plugin from scriptygoddess

I appreciate scriptygoddess’ work, as I’m using her paginate plugin as well. Unfortunately, the example on her site is kind of nasty. So, if someone is casting about on Google, here’s the code in my sidebar template:

    <?php if (is_year()): ?>
        <p><b>By Year</b><br />
        <?php previous_archive_date() ?>
        <?php next_archive_date() ?></p>
    <?php elseif (is_month()): ?>
        <p><b>Last Month</b><br />
        <?php previous_archive_date() ?>
        <p><b>Next Month</b><br />
        <?php next_archive_date() ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>

Thanks for the code, Jennifer!


Technical, WordPress

WordPress: How to type a Backslash

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2005/07/22/wordpress-backslash-literal-entities/

WordPress rocks. It is blog software that drives much of this web site. WordPress rocks, it does, except for a few things it sucks at, like printing backslashes.

They’re taken care of the BR-in-PRE stuff, but I still have trouble with backslashes. They don’t get displayed unless you type two backslashes, but there seems to be another preprocessor that sucks out backslashes when you edit the post, and typing \\ into the web just seems so wrong.

But you can use HTML entity references. These are HTML escape codes for character literals. Here are a few potentially handy ones: (more…)


Technical, WordPress

Adding Up AdSense Revenue

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2005/07/01/adsense/

So, I’ve been playing with AdSense for a few months now. It seems I earn about $5.00 per month. June was a mere $4.80.

But Google gives me plenty of stats, and I have calculated that I could earn my current salary through AdSense if I can boost my page views to 642 million per day.

I think ratchet would melt under the strain of 7,500 hits per second. (more…)

Feedback Welcome

Technical, WordPress

My First WordPress Hack

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2004/07/22/my-first-wordpress-hack/

As posted to WordPress Hacks:

Hey. I wanted to be able to see posts that had been “recently modified” as opposed to the date posted. This way I can add entries out-of-order, but still advertise them on my sidebar.

I hacked the get_archives() function to add a recentlymod option. You can see the following function call in use under “Recent Posts.”

get_archives('recentlymod', 7);

The hack is available at http://dannyman.toldme.com/scratch/wp-template-functions-general.diff.

Personally, I would like WP to have an admin feature to distinguish between post_date and post_modified … a toggle I could set somewhere to ensure that my RSS feed was behaving as “Recent Posts” does.

Now I can post stories from my World Tour (still not finished yet!?) and my readers will have a clue that new material has appeared.

Feedback Welcome

Technical, Technology, WordPress

WordPress – First Impressions

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2004/07/07/wordpress-first-impressions/

I recently installed WordPress, mostly out of curiosity. My web site has evolved over many years from static files, to using stylesheets, and some lightly-templated formatting to facilitate the creation of an RSS feed. While I have maintained a “log” for a few years now, I’ve always been wary of the whole self-important, vapid, “blogging” stuff.

Well, I saw Keith Garner using it, and I liked the idea that it was a rewrite of some previous software, and had a plug-in architecture, so I thought I would try it out. The install was easy enough, and then I got hooked in to the possibility of importing my data from into via an RSS file. There was some wrestling involved to hack the migration script to eat my raw HTML, and a bit more to get my scraping script adapted to output the appropriate HTML via RSS, but lo and behold, everything made it in.

And I got to tweak the look and feel a great deal with the stylesheet, and by editing the index.php directly. It has all the bells and whistles. Like, comments, which I’ve never had before, but a few people have asked for. And then all this gay backtrack stuff and pingback and backflip and blogflop and whatever. Okay, it promised to be easy to install and support all the silly jargon that I don’t care about, personally. Yay.

And for the most part, it has been comfortable. I get to put things in categories. The categories can be organized hierarchically, but any given item can have more than one category. I can maintain a list of links that can be displayed in the side menu bar. No really serious god-awful, show-stopping bugs …


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