Girl: 我的包太é‡äº†ï¼
wo3 de bao1 tai4 zhong4le
My bag is too heavy!Boy: 我拿å§ï¼
wo3 na1 ba
I’ll carry it!Girl: 好,给ï¼
hao3, gei3
Good, here!Boy: 呃,真的很é‡ï¼
e4, zhen1 de hen3 zhong1
Hey, it really is very heavy!
包 = bag
é‡ = heavy
很 = very
ç»™ = take
呃 = onomatopoeia, “eh”
From ChinesePod: Newbie: Too Heavy! I fall ever further behind. This one I actually drew a couple times and in the end I’m still not super thrilled about the result, but hey that’s all part of the process here. I see my friend 包, as seen in é¢åŒ… and the 红包 in “新年好!”. Just as the girl in “新年好!” was invited to 给她红包 the boy here gets to 给包太é‡äº†.
Thanks, Joe, for nudging me along.