

Argument Parsing in Shell Scripts

So, say you are writing a shell script (sh or bash) that needs to take arguments like so:

./script.sh start
./script.sh -v start
./script.sh -c foo.conf start
./script.sh -vc foo.conf start

This took me a bit of doing. First, I tried getopt but apparently all that does is disambiguate -v from -c. That, and the FreeBSD man page claims to have improved the example by making it completely inscrutable.

Eventually I found a reference that explained how to use getopts, which worked a lot better, but all the examples I could find didn’t tell you how to reset $@.

Eventually, I figured out that that last bit is accomplished with shift.

Here’s example code:


while getopts c:hv o
do case "$o" in
    c)  conf="$OPTARG";;
    h)  echo "Usage: $0 -hv -c <config> [start|stop|restart|status]" && exit 1;;
    v)  verbose="yes";;
    \?)  echo "Usage: $0 -hv -c <config> [start|stop|restart|status]" && exit 1;;

# Reset $@
shift `echo $OPTIND-1 | bc`

echo "conf: $conf"
echo "command: $1"


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