
Featured, News and Reaction, Sundry, Technology

Chicago-Milwaukee High-Speed Rail!

When I rode Talgo, there was a delay.

On Friday, Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle announced that 2 or 4 Talgo trainsets would be purchased for Amtrak’s Hiawatha service between Chicago and Milwaukee. Apparently, these will be Talgo XXI trainsets which have run at a top speed of 159 MPH, yielding a speed record claim for diesel train travel.

The Chicago Tribune reports that the trip to Milwaukee will come in at under one hour. Even better, the Hiawatha serves Milwaukee’s airport, Mitchell Field. If Chicago residents can get to Milwaukee’s airport in less than an hour, there would no need to build the fabled “third airport.”

High Speed Rail? Yes, we can!

I rode an older Talgo in Spain, which was delayed due to a fire on the tracks ahead of us. They passed out soft drinks as we sat, and the Spaniards began playing music.

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Categories: Featured, News and Reaction, Sundry, Technology