
About Me, Relationship Advice

Old Notes: “Manifesto / Charter:: work-life-love”

[Some notes jotted down in the Sidekick long ago. Good stuff, I think. Maybe I should tack it on the wall somewhere, study, perhaps revise . . .]


The joy of understanding problems and developing the most gratifying solutions.

The joy of learning new technologies with which to solve problems.

The satisfaction of getting things done, and being a reliable and respected resource for my coworkers.

The rewarding nature of setting expectations and goals and meeting or exceeding them.


The satisfaction of walking on the Earth at different time, places, and seasons throughout my life, understanding what is consistent in myself and the world and that what is variable and “in play”.

Making connections with people, from fleeting moments of acknowledging eye-contact, to soul-sharing relationships that stretch across years and decades.

To be sufficiently self-aware about my relationship with the greater world so that I don’t take more than I need to achieve happiness.

To experience with honest fidelity the joy and the pain, the happiness and the sorrow, and all the rest of feelings and experiences that are inevitably felt in life.


To practice being open and vulnerable and accepting, to allow for the possibility of love and growth in the relationships in which I engage.

To be present and attentive, to listen with good heart and a sharp mind when people speak to me.

To notice and confront dishonesty.

When “in love” to explore my partner to learn what makes them feel loved, and practice “true giving” towards them.

To always be completely honest.

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Categories: About Me, Relationship Advice