
Politics, Technology

Dumb AFA

From: “American Family Association” <afapetition@afa.net>
To: Jesus McChrist
Subject: Stop Triple X Domain

Dear Jesus,

Your help is needed to stop pornographers from having their own Internet domain.
In addition to having the .xxx domain, the pornographers could (and would) continue sending out billions of pornographic images on every other domain. As bad as pornography is on the Internet now, it would be infinitely worse with the triple X domain. The establishment of a triple X domain would give legitimacy to the pornographers.

Generally, I don’t like the profusion of top-level domains. But then, DNS is a messy process anyway, and everyone has some opinion on whether they want to be able to access porn or not. So, practically speaking, .xxx sounds like a potentially good idea. It will make it easy for the adult entertainment industry to firewall themselves from criticism, and it will make it easy for Internet users to find or avoid pornography.

By its nature, the Internet is a voluntary, consensus-driven environment. You can’t pass a law that requires people to do this or that . . . because there are hundreds of nations with Internet access, right? There will always be !ssholes out here sending spam and hiding the porn where you don’t want to find it, or whatever. A nice ground rule like “good pornographers keep their T&A in the .xxx domain and bad pornographers reap what they sow” is about the best that reasonable people can hope for.

But, I’m not signed up with the AFA for reasonable discourse, it’s the “Dear Jesus” salutation that makes me chuckle, as I learn what the right wing nuts are up in arms over for the week.

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Categories: Politics, Technology