
Jokes, Religion

“Dear Jesus”

A while back, I signed a petition for the American Family Association to oppose Ford’s support of gay people. I didn’t do this because I agree with them, but as a subversive act to put obviously bogus names on their petition. The idea being that if anyone ever reviewed their anti-gay petition, they would see that “Jesus McChrist” was definitely opposed to Ford’s gay ways.

Every time I see this e-mail, I get a little chuckle:

Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 13:43:30 -0500
From: “American Family Association” <afapetition@afa.net>
To: Jesus McChrist <wankers@toldme.com>
Subject: AFA suspends Ford boycott for six months

AFA suspends Ford boycott for six months

Dear Jesus,

Following a meeting with a group of Ford dealers on June 5, AFA has suspended its boycott of Ford Motor Company until December 1, 2005. In the meeting, the dealers asked for time to see if the concerns raised by AFA in their boycott announcement could be addressed by them in cooperation with officials from Ford Motor Company.

AFA felt that the dealers were making a good faith effort and agreed to accept their request. Therefore, the suspension request was accepted by AFA. During the remaining period AFA will work with the dealers in attempting to resolve our differences.


Ah, Jesus McChrist, I thank you for providing easy amusement.

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Categories: Jokes, Religion