14 November << 2001 >> 29 November

27 November, 2001

"Thanks, you are awesome."

Over here on the ghetto side of the Silicon Valley, I was driving my '89 Ford Crown Victoria station wagon home from work this afternoon when I heard a honk to my left, and it was a hot blond woman in a late-80s Ford Monte Carlo station wagon, welcoming me to the club.

Back at the ranch, I checked my voicemail, and sent an e-mail off to the HR person at Mellon Bank, saying that I was eager to get to Pittsburg, though I'll need to find some temp housing, and I sent you the application, and by the way, I don't believe drug testing is appropriate, so I didn't initial that part, please let me know if that is a problem. Torturing the establishment gratifies me.

Back at work this evening, I served THREE tables, making like $5 in tips, or $45 counting lunch. Geez. Well, at least my first table had a couple of lesbian-looking cuties and a dude and one of them wrote "thanks, you are awesome" on the bill, and you know, the world just seems a better place when cute chicks leave you notes like that.

14 November << 2001 >> 29 November

This document last modified Wednesday, 19-Nov-2003 23:24:54 UTC <dannyman@toldme.com>