13 November << 2001 >> 27 November

14 November

Frigging Taliban!

Fucking Taliban can't fucking hold their fucking territory because they're a bunch of God-damned fucking towel-headed fucking fundamentalist mother fuckers fucking oppressing the shit out of everyone and getting da fucking bomb fucking dropped on them because they're fucking hosting some God-damned fucking freedom-hating shit-for-brains terrorist assholes.

Today I became a real waiter. The first guy gave me $10 tip on a $20 bill. I only got five tables today, but brought home $32. Not bad. Tomorrow should be free, or it is double-time because I'm told that is what happens if you work your seventh day in a row.

13 November << 2001 >> 27 November

This document last modified Wednesday, 19-Nov-2003 23:24:54 UTC <dannyman@toldme.com>