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$20,000 “Siphon Coffee”

From the New York Times:

“If you just want equipment you’re not ready,” Mr. Egami said in an interview. But, he added, James Freeman, the owner of the cafe, is different: “He’s invested time. He’s invested interest. He is ready.”

It looks a bit overly-involved to me, but whatever floats your boat.

“Siphon coffee is very delicate,” [James Freeman] said. “It’s sweeter and juicier, and the flavors change as the temperature changes. Sometimes it has a texture so light it’s almost moussey.”

I have long preferred brewed coffee to espresso. That is a combination of my proletarian roots and my experience as a barista: I have a strong sense of what I want from a dry cappuccino or dry cafe-au-lait, but this sense is not easily found in a cafe, and I lack the technology to do it myself, so let us keep it simple, right?

(In Japan, siphon coffee masters carve their own paddles to fit the shape of their palms.)

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Categories: About Me, Excerpts, Featured, Good Reads, News and Reaction, Sundry, Technology