
Linux, Technical

Installing Software on FC4

I’m new to Linux, but I’m trying out Fedora Core 4 on my work laptop. It’s pretty slick once you change the desktop environment to KDE. But I want to be able to play mp3s, and there’s nothing in the default system that can handle this, and yum doesn’t know where to find good stuff like mplayer or mpg123. (Yeah, I’m a command-line type of guy . . .)

So, I go shopping for “repositories” that extend the Fedora Core base repository . . . and the short answer is that if you do this:

rpm -ivh http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/4/i386/RPMS.lvn/livna-release-4-0.lvn.5.4.noarch.rpm

Then this will work:

yum install mplayer

. . . and now I can listen to “The Sound of Silence” . . .

Thanks, LIVNA!

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Categories: Linux, Technical