
Letters to The Man, Politics, Religion

Kinky Friedman: “Under God?”

So, I wrote the Kinky campaign:

Dear Kinky’s Campaign Staff,

I love Kinky because he says what he means and means what he says. I’d love George Bush for the same reason, if he weren’t full of sh!t.

Anyway, Kinky has balls enough to stand up for gay marriage, from what I’ve read. And smoking cigars wherever we please. How about freedom of religion? “May the god of your choice bless you,” offers your tee-shirts.

But I’m an Atheist who feels kicked in the teeth every time I have to swear to my country under God. Is Kinky enough of a social Libertarian to stand up for our sad little minority? Honestly, even as an Atheist I think it is blashphemy to swear to God, for something as temporal and human-made as the United States governent.

Or does Kinky side with the rednecks of Texas? They can be mean sometimes. That’s why my pampered ass lives in California …

But, I’m curious to know, What Would Kinky Say? He’s GOTTA have an opinion. And even if it is unpopular, or even if I disagree with it, you gotta let his lips fly free, right? I mean, it’s Kinky, right?

Thank you for your time. Next time I have $50 in the bank I’ll shoot you a contribution. :)

Thanks for your time.


So, could I get Kinky to say something explicitly unpopular? Or cross himself? Neh, ’twas a masterfully satisfying evasion from the Kinky Campaign. Atheist-friendly without actually condemning the object of my ire:

Not to dance on the heads of ontological pins with imaginary faith-based angels or anything, but I know Kinky means godless as one of the potential gods of your choice.
I enjoyed your letter. Stay in touch, will you?

John Jordan
Kinky Friedman for Governor Campaign

I suppose I owe them $50.

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Categories: Letters to The Man, Politics, Religion