

Preview the new lnk.to!

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2004/08/19/lnkto-preview/

Please visit http://p0.lnk.to/ and test it out.

The database will be wiped out and loaded with current http://lnk.to/ pretty damned soon.

But if you find a bug before then, I would be happy to hear about it.


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Any Given Subject

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2004/08/24/whatever/

So, lnk.to is situated in its new home. It is something of a shadow of its former glory, but things have been busy. I’ll be flying to California this weekend for a wedding.

People miss the “top” and “recent” listings, so I hacked up a quick top page as an exercise in making SSI XBithack <––#include virtual ––> work. But I’m mainly thinking this leads to a new Lnkto::Chain class that can return a list of Lnkto::Lnk objects. But I’m too distracted to do that right just now.

I attended a seminar on customer service today as well. It was somewhat beneficial. I am moving our “run book” / “employee guide” to yet another architecture. (MediaWiki versus POD versus WordPress.) This seminar has given me material I should include on stress management, and how to do a phone call well, and left me with ideas as to how to improve call-management procedures, with an eye toward metrics. I would feel bad about “re-implementing” my documentation a few times over, but this is my first time through something like this, and I allow myself room for experimentation. Ultimately, I suspect that the happiest medium will be some combination of Wiki and Blog software. But that’s an entirely new subject …

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Letters to The Man

Dear Air America Radio

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2004/08/30/air-america/

Dear Air America Radio,

I have only heard that Steve Earl commercial maybe 10,000 times. I don’t think you are playing it enough. Please, please play it more, okay? “The revolution … the revolution …” I just can not get enough of that annoying plug for some lame musician. I makes me tune in to NPR from time to time …


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It Just Occurred to Me …

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2004/08/30/bronze-star-blank-stare/

A soundbite for the election:

“Three Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star versus ‘The Pet Goat’ and a Blank Stare”


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George Bush Tells the Truth

Link: https://dannyman.toldme.com/2004/08/31/bush-truth/

Thanks, Ginmar: (Corroborated)

LAUER: Did John Kerry serve heroicly, in Vietnam, in your opinion?

BUSH: I think his service is heroic, yes, and he’s… he should be proud of it. And, uh, and I think that we ought to move beyond, uhm, [pause] the past. I mean, he’s proud of his service, I’m proud of mine. And the real question is who best to lead us forward? (more…)

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