

Taking it Well

So, after two failed attempts to upgrade eSupport, frustrated that a company that sells a support/helpdesk product doesn’t have all of its useful information right there in their own install of their own helpdesk product … I could go for a burrito. I call the girlfriend, do we have any cash? But no, she has a dollar, after I handed her the $25 in my pocket for her trip with the neighbor to Target last night.

“I could make pasta.”

“Dude, I could tell you didn’t want pasta,” my colleague admits. That is okay … we’ll get paid Friday.

The pasta was yummy. Maybe she spends all my money, but she still cranks out some tasty pasta.

We were out of grape juice so now I had some wine and I am feeling a touch light-headed. Good compensation for the frustrations of the morning’s wrestling with our ticketing system. As I wrote just before lunch:

6) That note about the login trap was very useful and should be in the documentation you provide. Since you guys WRITE eSupport, I somehow am inclined to believe that your own Support KB should do a much much much much better job of providing support. Wouldn’t you agree?

Over lunch I was fantasizing over the prospect of writing my own ticketing/helpdesk system. It is basically just high-level “message management” … maybe by learning PHP and extending WordPress.

But no, the lesson is that if I ever sell a software product, especially if it is written in a scripting language, and will be supported by SysAdmins, then I’m definitely going “open source” so that if my mediocre QA methodologies leave someone broken, and they are sufficiently clueful to fix the problem, then they can. None of this “Zend Optimized” crap here. Nosiree.

Which reminds me, I’ve really gotta get crackin’ on lnk.to before Dave finally kills pianosa …

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Categories: Technology