

Good News Bad News

Good news is that the car is fixed. The bad news is that it ran me around $1,300.

The bad news is that I’m not qualified for unemployment compensation, because I voluntarily seperated from the Pizza Place. The worse news is that business is extremely slow at the Pizza Place right now, so even though one guy just left, Jefe is reluctant to take on new staff at this time. “The salad-maker just quit because I couldn’t give her enough hours.”

The good news is that there’s a room available for me up in the city, a block away from Golden Gate Park, not far from the ocean, that I’d share with Jessica’s friend Lisa, and a handful of other reputedly groovy people. The bad news is that it would take what money I have left to pay for it, so I must decline this opportunity.

The good news is that there are jobs out there. The bad news is that I may keep expenses light by hopping from guest house to guest house, which could make for some annoying commutes.

The bad news is that someone stole my license plate. The good news is that I can replace it at the DMV for $7.

The bad news is that I’ll have to hustle for a source of income. The good news is that I’m not completely broke. The good news is that I have friends, and family to help me stay afloat, if need be. The good news is that the economy isn’t completely shot to hell.

The good news is that I am healthy and capable.

The good news is that I’ve passed the first hurdle on the Perl job. The less good news is that twenty to forty others also passed. Those are odds I’m willing to run with, though.

The good news is that I shall be extremely motivated in my job search, starting tomorrow.

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