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[dazed] the time is now

Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 01:27:32 -0500
From: dannyman <dannyman@dannyland.org>
To: DaZeD! Notification <dazed@dannyland.org>
Subject: [dazed] the time is now

well, in the morning i'll wake up, finish packing, clean the floor, and head
out in the beetle to california.

it still seems unreal, but i reckon it'll pass.  this is the wackiest thing
i've done with my life since joining the army, and i agree with grandma when
she said this struck her as a much much much better thing that joining the

on friday i returned to chicago and closed my bank accounts ... well, actually
i left about $500 in checking and i've got to balance to make sure nothing
will bounce, but i've a happy bankroll to bring me out here, then a few
thousand dollars with which to pay rent and cover tuition on upon arrival.

then i went by enteract, going out to lunch with vernell and sharon, and
buying pizza in the evening for those employees present.

saturday, i got the two kegs for our party, then went with the family to the
humanities convocation.  afterwards it was barbequeing, drinking and hot tub
madness.  beth dropped by later in the evening and there was some nice
send-off kissin'.

today?  pretty lazy, we woke up late and had breakfast at aunt sonya's.  beth
again dropped by and we had a little walk and a talk together.  the day was
cleaning and packing and watching tv.  we also helped chad grade cs225 exams.

tomorrow?  wake up, finish packing, drop off my cap and gown, await the ups
shipment, do additional tuning to the car, pack up the car and hit the road.

i start one week from today - next monday that is.  i'm betting lucy will make
it out there without any major troubles.  the odometer oughtta flip right
around CA.  I'll snap a picture, i promise.  one friend observed before i
could think of it the symbolism of making a "new start".

perhaps i'll find some flowers for my hair as i drive through san francisco.

well, consider this a preview of a forthcoming journal entry, and a thanks to
those of you on this list who have played key roles in making my future seem
all the more reasonable.  i love you all.

see you on the other side.

.. terminating transmission from urbana ..

dannyman - http://www.dannyland.org/~dannyman/
http://www.dannyland.org/cgi-bin/majordomo for assistance.

miles west on I-80 in a 1972 Super Beetle (no radio)

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