11 December << 2001 >> 28 December

15 December

One Sweet Dream

0-7:14 dannyman@pianosa ~> calendar
Dec 15  Argo Merchant oil spill, 1976
Dec 15  Bill of Rights adopted, 1791
Dec 15  James Naismith invents basketball, Canada, 1891
Dec 15  Sitting Bull shot in head while submitting to arrest, 1890

Oh, that magic feeling: nowhere to go.

I'm up at just before 7. Today I actually got out of bed. I don't know if the lead I wanted to write was necessarily that good, or it was the whiskey before bed, or if the whiskey led to a good lead, but I'll definately have to try another night cap of Jack.

Wasn't scheduled to work today, but I'll be in at noon for Jefe. Should be good money. Lunches have been crazy and understaffed. Yesterday I made $130 off of two shifts. One of my colleagues had several large parties and made out like a bandit, with nearly $2,000 in sales. Best I've yet to do is $1,200. Yesterday was $800 in sales. After a cut for the house and my bussers and the salad maker, I figure yesterday I took home just over 16% of sales. Booyah! I do a good job, most of the time, and much of the time I'm tipped around 20%.

11 December << 2001 >> 28 December

This document last modified Wednesday, 19-Nov-2003 23:24:54 UTC <dannyman@toldme.com>