24 May << 2001 >> 20 June

30 May, 2001

h2o in 1310

Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 13:52:07 -0700
From: Danny Howard
Subject: Re: h2o in 1310

On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 10:14:49AM -0700, Erik Haakenson wrote:
> At 10:12 AM 5/30/01 -0700, Dug Nichols wrote:
> >anybody know what the deal with the lack of drinking water is?
> Didn't you see that report recently? Tap water is just as healthy
> as bottled water and cheaper.

I've been stocking the 1350 cooler with water from the janitor's closet. I nearly did the same over in Gondwanaland, but I noted that that janitor's closet there had a hookup for cleaning chemicals and it seemed to me not something one would not want to drink.

We've been drinking non-bottled water for about 300,000 years, and it hasn't killed us yet. The advantage of tap water is that it is cheaper, and it incurs less ecological damage, and the water quality is regulated by the government.

Bottled water requires you to manufacture plastic containers to put it in and then ship these things around on trucks that drink diesel fuel made from carbon that hasn't been in the atmosphere since before our species evolved, whereas tap water makes good use of stuff like gravity to get to our office a lot more efficiently.

But, anyway, as noted, Terry has restored the supply line so that we may return to a proper yuppy existential paradigm and not be concerned with such passe things like biology and ecology.


Okay, the last paragraph was a bit over the top and may have carried a tone of self-righeous arrogance sufficient to damage the credibility of the poster. But, you know, I have fun at work too.

24 May << 2001 >> 20 June

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