30 December, 1999

Rollover Eve Eve

Some lamers like to remind us that we're wrong - the millennium doesn't start 'til 2001. Well, I don't really care. But for pedantry's sake, let's call today Rollover Eve Eve.

I'm probably just going to drop by Kathy's party tomorrow and hang with friends. I've done the loner thing plenty lately and am starting to feel occasional pangs of loneliness again. I have a 2PM haircut scheduled, though prolly with this dude, and not the massage-your-temples-during-the-shampoo lady I hold such fond feelings for. That's okay, if she aint skipped town, I ought to get her next time around. For now, I really just need to lose some hair.

Today I finally got my 2000 tags from the DMV. Just in time, eh? Well, I drove Dave over to his new job so he could sign their offer, and what do ya know, but there was a AAA right there. So today I have a fully legal vehicle and AAA membership. Sure, I don't have a bloody California driver's license, but everyone else is happy about my Illinois license.

After Dave got his job, and me my AAA, we drove by Rebecca's where she served us dinner. Mmmm, man, best meal I've had in a while. Sean says that since he's become a chef, he has found that women are attracted to men who can cook. Hrmmm.

I need my own place and a cat. It's got to have a good kitchen for me to cut my culinary teeth on, and I should get a cat to keep me company. I will name it Leon Phelps.

Mmmm, this Curtis Mayfield that my co-worker lent me is some good stuff.

Anyways, I've dropped back by work here to check on the system backup I'm running for our Escrow service. Finally figured out how to make chg-manual in Amanda work, things seem to be going all right.

At first I thought that California didn't change any for the holidays. In fact, a few places put lights up, but even better, traffic has been extremely pleasant these past few days. Even on my pitiful two-mile commute to work, I've noticed the difference of what a lot of people taking time off of work can make.

Guess I should head home and read some fine periodicals as I sit upon the exercise bike for a while. I was going to do that yesterday. I've still put my check book off 'til tomorrow. Hope they don't start shuttin' off the ol' cell phone again. I mean, c'mon, the home phone has been shut off as a result of Dave's unemployment. Can't lose all of my connections ...

29 December << 1999 >> 31 December

This document last modified Wednesday, 19-Nov-2003 23:24:54 UTC <dannyman@dannyland.org>