12 May, 1998


Tue May 12 01:21:11 CDT 1998

So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks'

They Might Be Giants,
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)

Has been a golden era of mp3 files again lately. Now my happy potential Giants are among the musicians sitting on my hard drive, and my Jimi Hendrix CD ... Bob Dylan, your time is coming.

It is most preferable to keep ones music in ones computer where it belongs, I think.


Today I got $15 for participating in Ian Chai's research - basically, I was sat down in front of his computer to convert a Java Applet to a Habanero Hablet - Habanero's this really need Java-based, open-ended collaborative tool being designed at NCSA. the idea is everyone fires up their Habanero, and it is extraordinarily easy to share the interface to that application with everyone else.

Anyways, I been doing plenty other geeky things too. Tonight, I'm keeping myself up later than I have a good excuse for on account of Krissy's down here doing work, distracting herself by playing with my Pilot or asking questions from time to time. Good company, yah?

Of course ... well, I'm not gonna talk about stuff I haven't done yet for classes. I'd rather be cheerful, even if I blow stuff off and get bad grades even, it's an irresponsible, lazy, selfish attitude to take, yah, but you know? It doesn't seem to do good nor harm, it's hard to care that much, yah?

I was reading this article though for English about gender differences in computer use - heh, the way they told it, I'm a really female type - sure I got the guy fascination with gizmos and stuff, but not to the same awesome extent as my geeky CS-major peers do. I'm the Rhet major who quietly throws FreeBSD on his system coz it does what I want it to do. I got the Pilot because I saw a need for it, and when I'm experimenting with code, I have a definite agenda of self-education in mind. I never play video games ... well, hardly ever, and think gratuitous violence in video games is well, petty much gratuitous violence.

The article had described girls interests in computers as more practical - this thing is a tool, what can it do for me? Whereas boys were more exploratory. I'm exploratory simply because it's my thing, but I'm also a real tool bitch - get this down and do it right ... if something is useful I like it even more.

Babble babble and Krissy reading over my shoulder from time to time. Ha! I did hear her exclaim earlier.

8 << May >> 20

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