20 May, 1998

Welcome to the next level

Wed May 20 10:22:55 CDT 1998

I'm an admin guy - woohoo! finally getting paid money for doing the sort of thing I've been doing experimentally for at least the past two years - running systems. I was thinking the other day that we're kinda like train crews in the old days - a chosen few who get to do the job of keeping these complicated machines that many people are depending on running, and running well, without crashing. Of course, much of the drama is lost in that our machines don't barrel down iron rails or even weigh several tons, and nobody dies if we slip up, we just risk losing a lot of business by pissing off people who can't do their email. Not that we're gonna slip up in any big way of course.

No train though can route millions of email messages for tens of thousands of customers a day. Of course, I'm not actually certain how many customers we do have, but that's not so much my concern.

Today, at least this morning, I'm flying solo, as the head admin guy, Kevin Dulzo, is out doing a consulting job. so far, so good. not everything I know how to do or have the access to do, but I think I'm hanging pretty well so far. In part because we're short on machines around here - new ones shipped yesterday, I spent much time yesterday just watching Kevin do stuff and learning certain basic procedures. Being on the admin staff is a lot different than tech support was two years ago.

Charlie Ward, who if memory serves, has deferred earning his MBA, has been working here since I was here back in 1996. Back then, I was one of the first ten employees, now I'm number thirty four. Sliding down the totem pole, as Charlie teases it.

One jumped Over The Line

Wed May 20 14:36:11 CDT 1998

I didn't work for EnterAct at all last year, but records show I answered 73 support messages. Neat huh? I felt I had to make up for sasquatch's free CoLo somehow ....

'tis now afternoon, and a bit of after-lunch slack ... no administrative requests sitting pending. I'll probably head to the Wednesday afternoon meeting at 1600h with Charlie.

12 << May >> 10 June

This document last modified Wednesday, 19-Nov-2003 23:24:54 UTC <dannyman@dannyland.org>