
About Me, Python, Technical

Why Python Can Suck (But I Still Like It)

Based on something I posted to Facebook:

Perl’s “natural language” emphasis and non-obvious locutions encourage developers to document their code. Many times I have put some hard work into a line or a block of code, and ended up writing in some comments as a part of the process.

Python code is nice and readable but often very poorly documented. “The code should speak for itself,” and while it is easier to read Python code sometimes a few human-language comments would save some time and annoyance.

Maintaining Python code is easier than maintaining Perl, but using Perl modules is often easier than using Python modules because Perl developers are kinda forced to explain their work.

One of the first things I had to accept about pydoc is it is almost universally worthless, and even good functional documentation will often omit the sort of useful examples that I am most likely to find quickly intuitive.

This is why I have transitioned so slowly. Python’s strengths breed a certain weakness just as Perl’s weaknesses breed a certain strength.

At this point, I would consider myself approaching bi-linguality, and pretty comfortable in either language. If I have a preference it would be for Python, because I am lazy about documentation and even maintaining my own code, it is a lot easier to figure out what I wrote in Python somewhat after the fact. But my fondness for Perl and its generally more approachable documentation stands, and I’m not about to dis what has served me so long and so well.

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Categories: About Me, Python, Technical