
About Me

Danny’s Sausage Factory


The night before, I had poured myself a beer, but was then distracted by more important affairs.  The next day I had a neglected glass of Sierra Nevada Brown Ale resting on my counter.  I boiled my last garlic-basil pork sausage in the beer, while I sauteed onion and red bell pepper.  The beer boiled over a bit, so I let the heat down.  I chopped up a roma tomato and a handful of spinach, tossed the sausage in the frying pan with the onions, and split a wheat pita, coating the inside with spicy mustard.  I realized that everything was not going to fit in a single pita, so I had to cut the hot sausage in two, making me a pair of pita pockets.  I knew this was good stuff so I took pictures, and now that I see the pictures, I am filled with a craving nostalgia.  Gosh, that was a delicious meal!

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