

XFig Export Error

I have been frustrated lately by an inability to export my XFig diagrams. I kept running portupdate in hopes that it was a recently-updated dependency that would be fixed, but finally, I took this error code shopping on the Google:

Unrecoverable error: limitcheck in .putdeviceprops

I uncovered that apparently this is a shortcoming in ghostscript, that if an input file has more than 80 columns, gs chokes and dies with this error. Gee.

Opening up my .fig files in vim, I see and trim this object:

# The famous Network Cloud
# drawn by W. Chimiak
6 -136503639 -12570743 -136495689 -12564893
3 1 0 1 0 7 100 0 -1 0.000 0 0 0 18
     -136501689 -12568118 -136502439 -12569093 -136501614 -12569093 -136501389 -12569843 -136500264 -12569318 -136499364 -12570743
     -136498539 -12570143 -136496439 -12570518 -136497639 -12568718 -136495689 -12567818 -136497489 -12566543 -136498239 -12567443
     -136499289 -12565043 -136500489 -12566918 -136501989 -12564893 -136502439 -12566168 -136503639 -12566993 -136502664 -12567668
     1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
     1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
     1.000 1.000
4 1 0 100 0 18 36 0.0000 4 405 1275 -136499739 -12568118 WAN\001

It seems the famous Network Cloud is innocuous enough until I scale it down to fit my diagram, then the ASCII representation of the coordinates goes all to heck. So, I made my own network cloud out of arc segments. Looks cloudier anyway.

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Categories: Technical