

Count Me In!

He will not be our next President, but he has already helped change our country. Put best by Robert Menendez, House Democratic Caucus chair, via Thomas Ferraro, of Reuters:

“He gave a stiff spine to a lot of Democrats.”

Menendez said he and other members of Congress who had backed Dean had a conference telephone call with him shortly before his speech in Burlington. Dean first disclosed his plans to drop out about an hour earlier in an online message to backers.

Menendez said Dean told him many of his supporters backed consumer advocate Ralph Nader in the 2000 White House race.

Democrats with stiff spines, who oppose George Bush instead of appeasing George Bush. Bringing disaffected liberals who voted Green in the last election. I’d like to think that even though he’s not the candidate, he has already helped his party to win this year’s election.

I’m still disappointed that he didn’t get anywhere.


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