13 July << 2001 >> 8 August

14 July, 2001

Laid Off

Friday morning found me in the Big Apple after 3,000 miles of adventures spread over two weeks. Not long after waking up in the city that doesn't sleep did I take a call from Bryan and JG confirming that I had suddenly lost claim to both king of the hill, AND top of the heap.

Fortunately my vagabond shoes had been longing to stray. Getting laid off stepped right to the heart of it. I'm in the market for a new pair of sneakers with which to pound the pavement. I can interview from Boston on westward, with a preference for Chicago and CU as I head to the west to collect my severance and pay my August 1st rent.

So who needs a Unix Admin anyway? Resume posted to http://dannyman.toldme.com/resume/ . Feel free to share my cell / pager contact info with promising leads that are along my route.

13 July << 2001 >> 8 August

This document last modified Wednesday, 19-Nov-2003 23:24:54 UTC <dannyman@toldme.com>