3 May, 1998

Laying About, Truth be Known

Sun May 3 22:47:35 CDT 1998

So last night I was kept up 'til the wee hours by a rather engaging woman. Me and Krissy basically blew several hours just talking about life and stuff. Very interesting.

Who's Krissy, the optimistic reader asks? Well, she's this gal who lives in Allen with Maureen. Who's Maureen? The especially astute reader, say, one like Krissy, figures that Maureen's this gal I had my eye on more time back, a little crush.

So who's Krissy?

Dammit, ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies. Shift into narrative mode.

Ramblings of a Senile Old Man

So, Linda was trying to figure if she'd be going to Accapellapalooza this year. I hope I spelled that right, not like ispell's gonna know what that is, but she didn't know if Dave'd be in in time, yadda yadda, but Wednesday I run into her outside the Union, and she's going to get tickets. I figure to get extra tickets, we can drag more people along, but all I got is $10, enough for one extra. I gave her the ten and mumbled impressively, coz Linda's always wishing my romantic bits well that I'll bring some girl along.

Well, neat things go about, and I tease a couple friends. Yeah, I'm going to Accapellapalooza with two women - one's bringing her boyfriend, and the other's bringing her sister and her father.

You know, recent as it is, I can not recall how me and Krissy ever started talking. Anyways, ol' Krissy, who's a Junior in ROTC, has been hanging out in the commons more often. Frequently sleeping. Fresh blood among the commons people. The commons is the area between Ground South and the Cafeteria and the Computer Lab - basically the domain of the geekier sorts of Allen Hall, perhaps. Anyways, that's more or less my proverbial stomping grounds so I got to chit-chat with Krissy a bit more and stuff and figured to invite her along. She was uncertain at first, coz her sister was coming to town, but anyways it ended up the three of them going - Chows, and then me and Linda and Dave. I felt like me and Krissy were like an axis or something, coz we each brought two people that didn't know three other people or something. Basically, I was just digging on how symmetrical things worked out.

You can tell anyway, I'm functioning on not much sleep, perhaps? To bed at 0900h, and up again at 1300h today. Last night, I wasted a lot of time switching to FVWM2, leaving the AfterStep window manager behind. Now I've got a phat configuration that leaves lots of space on the screen to push my windows about, and I can do a lot of stuff through the keyboard. I've even nearly hacked the Windows style of ALT+TAB key switching. The hideously bored can check out my half-complete .fvwm2rc if they really like.

I Like Whiskey


24 April << May >> 4

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