24 April, 1998

It takes money to build a bureaucracy

Fri Apr 24 00:44:19 CDT 1998

I slept in this morning. I didn't feel particularly well, and I skipped class, just as I skipped work Wednesday morning.

Other than that, I've been somewhat busy. Yesterday, i drove Jon's car out to Fox to finish wiring up the classroom where they're going to be running some Alliance '98 demos. Today I was at work until 1930h finishing off a perl script to print out sheets of paper listing the IP addresses and network configuration for various conference tables. 900 people thereabouts are coming for Alliance '98 next week, and our job is to wire the Assembly Hall, among other things, for it. I can use the money, frankly.

Trop des Langues

Today I wrote a script in perl which generated troff which was then fed to an interpreter which translated that into PostScript which is is fed to a printer to make pretty sheets of paper. Over the weekend I will generate a perl script to translate papers I've written for English 382 in troff into HTML for my web portfolio, as well as writing a paper on SGML in the DocBook DTD of SGML, which can then be translated into HTML for the same web portfolio. I couldn't stand the ML we had to do for CS 321, and this weekend we've got a Java MP due.

I could very well freak.

23 << April >> 3 May

This document last modified Wednesday, 19-Nov-2003 23:24:54 UTC <dannyman@dannyland.org>