
Big Boss Man

As performed by the Grateful Dead

Big boss man, can't you hear me when I call?
Big boss man, can't you hear me when I call?
You ain't so big, you just tall, that's just about all.

You got me working boss man, a workin' around the clock,
I want a little drink of whiskey, you sure won't let me stop.
Big boss man, can't you hear me when I call?
You ain't so big, you just tall, that's just about all.

I'm gonna get me a boss man, one gonna treat me right,
I work hard in the daytime, sure get drunk at night.

You ain't so big, you just tall, that's just about all.
These lyrics stolen from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mleone/dead-lyrics.html and attributed to Jerry Stratton (jerry@teetot.acusd.edu)

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This document last modified Monday, 23-Jul-2007 20:01:41 UTC <dannyman@toldme.com>