6 January, 1998


5-1-98 12:45

I am sitting at a table on the sixth floor of the Harold Washington Library. After visiting EnterAct's 600 S. Federal location to fix sasquatch, I decided to drop by this cultural landmark that was built in honor of one of this city's greatest mayors. As I hit the third floor I became aware of a strange feeling of meeting Linda Ho. I proceeded farther on up by memory and now it is here at a desk on the sixth floor where I was first introduced to Linda Ho as I was busy gathering information on Salvador Allende - a Marxist who in 1970 was elected president of Chile and died in a US-sponsored coup d'etat in 1973. Chile was then for a long time after ruled by the bloody Pinochet regime. Our CIA sponsorship of this atrocity is one of the numerous evils our country has perpetrated upon Latin America, but I digress.

I've moved down to the fifth floor. There are some guys playing Chess at the next table over.

Anyways, I got the time and this is such a nice library. I'll tell you that as I sat there studying so many years ago Amer spotted me and said "Hi" and introduced me to his friend Linda, a pretty Chinese girl who was so far out of my league and so far removed from Chile that she warranted no more attention from me beyond a friendly, distracted greeting that one will give upon being introduced to a friend of a friend.

I'll write more later, but I'm gonna move on before contracting some weird emotional juju.

Oh Holy Night

Tue Jan 6 16:30:34 GMT 1998

Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining.
It is the night, of the dear savior's birth.

Long lay the world, in sin and error pining,
'til he appeared and the soul felt his worth.

A thrill of hope: the weary soul rejoices,
And yonder breaks, a new and glorious morn!

Fall on your knees!
Oh hear, the Angel's voices!

Oh night divine!
Oh night, when Christ was born!

Oh night, divine!
Oh night, oh holy night.

5 January << Journal Index >> 15 January

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