Merry Christmas!

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 ...

12/25/97 12:31 am [dannypilot!]

I have to help Mom - had to help Mom by drying dishes, but there weren't too many. For Christmas, she and Grandma got me this Palm Pilot, so I'm trying it out for one of the things I had intended it for - my journal here. Whence returned home we'll see how successfully I can interface it to FreeBSD. I'm getting a bit of writer's cramp and anyways gotta fill a stocking for Tom. Good night!

12/25/97 1:45 am

A touch of insomnia - in order to address concern of over-using my left hand, I'm testing how well I can write on this thing with my right. It's not as easy as with my left, but I think that without too much practice that I could get the hang of this. While as with any attempt to write right-handed I feel frustrated and pretty shaky after awhile, something about the process seems more relaxingly intuitive at times.

Maybe I'm a sell-out? No, I don't think so much that I am because I'm doing this in the interest of preserving my left hand. We'll see how capable the one hand shall prove at picking up some slack for the other!

Peace on Earth!
Amen. =)

21 December << 1997 >> 28 December

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