Fri Dec 19 02:22:32 CST 1997
yeah, I really sucked on the CS327 final today. And our group got the
lowest score in the class for our project, but none of us grumbled.
It's time to leave. I was thinking to leave today but spent much time cleaning things up, getting things in order. I sent an email to ComEd thanking them for a gift certificate they'd sent me, and saying I was interested to hear about job opportunities. I'm looking forward to seeing how quickly I can adapt stumpy here to living on the end of a modem line ... and you know what? just six days 'til Christmas and I haven't done an ounce of shopping ... eesh!
I just wanna sleep. But then, I also wanna have fun. The past two weeks have been kinda like drek, but you know? I wanna do stuff that interests me. Maybe I can make a to-do list tomorrow.
I got my first Christmas present of the season today. Linda gimme a South Park shirt - "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" ... hehe ... I hear there's gonna be a marathon in a few days and I can catch up on all the episodes I aint seen. I saw the Christmas episode last night, and you know, despite how disgusting it is, something about Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo really appeals to me somehow.
But well ... it's very gross.
Carlos today said I was an honorary Mexican. Him and Dante and some other guys are going back to Mexico ... Carlos will be back next semester though.
Tsoni just came in to borrow toothpaste. He's fucked in the head.
Loco. I think I shall try to get to sleep now. bye!
17 December
21 December