I was up 'til nearly 0500h this morning playing FreeCiv. A game sort of spontaneously formed - me, and Joe, who were doing quite well, I better as Joe was confined to an island at first, then Damien, who didn't change government fast enough to keep up with us so well, and three newbies, one of whom was Tunji, the Nigerian mentioned previously.
The game went interestingly, the technology moved way too fast compared to production ... with only about half the world mapped by us collectively we were approaching mechanized infantry.
I've started a mailing list for the game, and interested parties are meeting for dinner tonight to discuss the forming of a long game, with much slower scientific development, and a very large map if we can get enough players, as well as handicap provisions to give seasoned veterans like myself, Joe and Damien equal odds with newbies like Tunji.
I went to Illini Hall to scan some photos. Unfortunately, my efforts were thwarted. The two Macintosh scanners - one is down and the other aint connected to the network - doesn't even have a Network Control Panel! I think they're not up as they're evidentally newer Macs that have 10baseT instead of the available coax, and whomever is in their charge hasn't quite gotten that addressed yet. Boo hoo.
NT .... well the one, when I finally found the DeskScan software via "Find Files and Folders" couldn't talk to the scanner. Augh! The other, running NT 3.x or whatever, had the software readily available but it crashed when I tried to access it.
NT, Novell, crappity crappity crap, I continue to wonder at those who try to make Windows work. I hope I can make my career on a slightly saner platform like Unix.
I wasn't originally going to go, but many friends decided to go see ConAir en masse, including some charming freshman ladies. So I grabbed a blanket and my husband and said to heck with it, it wasn't like I was doing much else anyway. It was still an entertaining movie, yet again.
Luckily I wasn't in the mood for or expecting anything awesome intellectually. Instead, before the movie started, Melissa and I were talking ... she seems pretty darn alright in my estimation so far. We talked of stars and the northern lights. She's from a small town so I guess she sees stars somewhat better throughout her life than city folk like myself, and she caught sight of a falling star that evening.
I sat next to her at lunch this afternoon and she was wearing an interesting ... costume. I think it's called a dashiki - sort of an African-looking affair, that she said she'd assembled from some fabric her parents had had laying around from the seventies. I expressed my appreciation, she looked rather unique wearing it.
I took a walk after dinner. As I approached the Union I met up with Jennifer and Anh. Jennifer is a short and extraordinarily friendly and outgoing person. She went to New Trier with Jim. So when I couldn't remember her name, she suggested that as she and Jim both begin with J's that I might remember it that way.
And you know, my brain does work in such a manner. I shall bow to Jen's wisdom.
Everybody's short ... Anh, whom I thought at first to be quite taller, is 4'10" or something. My goodness! As she is thin, I think I gave her more of an estimation vertically. After all, those who are thin tend to stretch out vertically, as you get shorter, you should be a little more luxuriant with your body and let it spread out a wee bit. Well ... Anh seems like she's just a miniature. I think it's kind of cool actually, but then I'm a freak.
Jennifer is pleasurable to talk to. Anh is pretty quiet, but seems a very nice person. It is my hope that fate may encourage me more time with these individuals this year, but I'm not one to force or hasten fate.
No, I think I just try to have some faith in the forces that shape my future. Some lazy renunciation of a materialist demand on fate perhaps.
Jennifer and them live up on the fourth floor. I walked them up, and it was good excercise.
Warm fuzzies.
Tsoni, he's a short one too at 5'5" - I told him I'd give him some height if I could. Everybody seems to have a favorable opinion of him. After all though, he has a favorable countenance.
I like these freshmen.
28 August
1 September