Patch-cablin' Dannyman

Dannyman gets his li'l toolkit

I slept during English class today. The book we're reading is such a chick book and we're supposed to have it read by now I'd just as soon skip it. On Monday Bob give us an in-class writing assignment. Usually he talks about the stuff he has us write on before-hand, and so the first time I dunno my stuff fer one he gets me with my pants down. I got a check minus but he writes on the bottom of the paper handed back today like not to worry, my participation grade and stuff will more than compensate. Gosh.

Got back two papers today. I s'pose I'll try to get 'em up on here soon. The first in 144 was my story written from a tree's point of view, stream-of-consciousness very difficult. I was worried the whole thing had turned out kinda awful. Well, not entirely. First written on the paper were along the lines of "Interesting Experiment" (indeed!). Anyways it was remarked that some of it was very good, acknowledged that the writing style is extraordinarily difficult, (how did Faulkner do it?) and someone, I think it was Phil Graham himself made the observation that the parts that weren't quite up to snuff stood in contrast to the parts that were really good, and made them all the better. Interesting take.

Then Mario's story, about this guy whose kinda freakin' out coz his girlfriend aint with him ... well nobody except Mario's test-group of friends got that this dude's girlfriend was actually a gun! Wow ... we all were like re-evaluating the story then and there and of course comments shifted towards the efficacy of making the reader better able to understand that it's a gun, etc. Phil was like "Well then you can just totally ignore my comments at the end of the paper." Huh.

Then 143, got my paper back. Excellent as I'd hoped. Seshagiri's best criticism was focusing on triteness, and the dangers thereof. Woooh. I'm not even gonna think about that now.

After lunch I hung out on the quad a while. Hash Wednesday. I actually sent $50 to the Marijuana Policy Project which sits about lobbying Congress for an end to prohibition, and the drug war in general.

After that, at 2, I went to sleep through English.

At 3, I went to work. Made patch cables. Several for OCB, where Tori works. Today I fixed my glasses, with her help. She was the one who donated the bendy straw that is now the left arm of me specs. A bit of electrical wire secures the aforementioned straw to the frames proper. I like the arrangement, and it's quite freakishly eye-catching. Another guy at CSIL suggested the straw in the first place. It was certainly a team effort.

After work, I met Asao for dinner, which is good because she's been so busy lately and also because we got some unresolved argument between us. She was pretty sweet. I can tell she's workin' real fucking hard. I felt a bit inadequate or such because my head was something about in the clouds. I've been very excited and busy with work lately. It's like my free-time has evaporated and I'm working at stuff I enjoy and I'm in idealistic dreamer mode. I'm sure I'll be far more cynical by summer's end, maybe. If I take Japanese I'll certainly be quite stressed.

Tomorrow I'm in at nine to finish making patches for OCB. Then maybe I'll learn me something useful. It's 1:15AM now though, I should probably try to be a gettin' to sleep.

12 April << 1997 >> 28 April

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