July, 1996 1 July 1996 Stars and Stripes forever. Another month another web page eh? Toms taikint about (finally) gettin' the Amiga on the net tomorrow. Patience, flaniel-san. So, the weekend was good. Went to a party, met ~ary the night before. Spent yesterday afternoon on a little adventure. It was kinda weird trav~in1 out to the 'burbs on Metra for something other than seeing~ Linda's party was pretty nice. Good people generally. I'd do it all over again. Yeste?day was kinda weird though. I figures I'll wander off to the barbershop to get my hair cut. Barbershop is outta business. Kinda sad. Nice folks9 Well, I dunno if 1n it was that they was outta business so much as well, they weren't there any more. So I figure maybe I wander over to one I think is on Touhy. Yeah it's there, but closed Sundays. 'fore I get there though, I meet up with a crazy person. Adult woman, with an epileptic condition, who sounds kinda like a child in what she'd talk about. I dunno what to do about her. Said twas h~r birthday and she din' have no friends. At first I figured it was some con or something, but nah •.. she sounded genuine. So I wandered down towards Unity with her followin' me along. She liked it ~ where ~ m~Ghtn't be pic~ed up by th~ CQp• her. So, I walked her a bit around Misericordia, which she seemed genuinely impressed with. She talked to reception about whatnot, got their nuxilber. Then I walked her up back around our neighborhood where ltd first met her, and left her headin' back home. I felt a bit hard about abandoning her back to her condition, but I'm just one person eh? I9ve got other big things in my life right now going on like work and stuff that Itm really in to. lim going to go wandering about like some saviour helping out people who don't know better? Oi, most people would have blowed her off pretty guick. I'm just a little more stupid/naive/bored/intruiged/whatever. Well, Mary's nice. We rode around some Thursday night and had some food at Baker's Square. It was right pleasant though the conversation seemed kinda akward at times, but in a real unusual way I'm not having encountered before. Anyways, she seemed real nice the whole time, and now seems to be distancing a bit. L could go on, but it's best not to dwell on that which I do not understand too well, lest I go insane and end up wandering the streets tagging along with nice people who dunno better. Life is weird. I think Love might make it simpler. It occupies mind and time. One dwells on the mysteries less. Possible reason for religion? Find your love in Jesus Christ? You understand 19m just mear~ng in my thoughts here. Who is "you" though? I think and other people I maybe haven't f~dvout~o are readin~wha~write here? Why do people read such things? Grandma coz she's grandma, Jeong because she's Jeong, Li who is entranced by it all, and Mike is a raging lunatic. ¾ What the freak am I talking here? Free association? I dunno. ~~ca\1 leaving just now. I think maybe I'd leave too, but I think tl~t~ leave ~I~by himself. It'S not good to be here alone. Maybe I stick around 'til the other guys get back and then go home and nosh on my pizza. Cold pizza in the fridge that momma bought @ Gulliver's the other day. Very little of it was eaten. I weren't too hungry. It's greasy, but warmed up in the microwave it has a pleasingly hot sensation going down. It's like, 7:25 if yer curious. ~ooray for the flag of the free May it wave as our standard forever The home of the free and the brave It's the symbol of our ??? May we alwa~ remember the day, When our fat rs with mighty endeavor Proclaimed as thy marched to the fray, That by their might and by their right it waves forever! Boy, Sousa sure knew what he was composin' 10 July 1996 @5:OOPM Well ... I guess it's been awhile eh? So how'd July the fourth go? Right well, right well ... took Max out to t~e forest preserve, let him run around gettint dirty. He swam for a second or two even after chasing some ducks in to the river. Nasty little doggie. * stretch* Today is dull, and rightfully so. It's been hectic around here lately. I'm hoping I'll have a good mindset to continue working on the new Web Developer's section I'm working on. Party at Jim and consummed a fair bit of alcohol with no appreciable effec t~Itake that as a good thing for personal tolerance. We moved the party over to another houuse later in the night that was near James Kardaras' place9 I wandered over to his house, but not home. Sunday was an EnterAct BBQ ... met a guy who's really in to Doctor Who. Doctor Who is back on the air! Yippee! I'm taping it. Well, it's on the air ~or the summer anyways ... but I go back in August anyway anyway eh right? Purty sentance, kicks are for trids! 15 July 1996 @6:3OPM Hungry, bored, tired ... okay enough complainin? ... It1s been a somewhat hectic day. I should get food. *yawn* 18 July 1996 @7:47PM NapNet is screwed ... can't get outside the network. :1 Well, anyways 'twas a busy day. Been arguing vehemently with Tom about how the web site works. We had a meeting to kinda clear things up earlier today. Yesterday I decided to bike in to work. It was raining. Got quite wet you see. I stopped under a viaduct and met some nice guys. One was a hispanic dude with a head immobiliser thingy. Evidently, he fell about a story and is lucky enough to be alAve. His name is Luis. He had a friend named Lee who was selling new ers underneath the overpass. .eei~ ~ ~t they seemed 4Ii• good guys nonetheless. I'm p-ft. if somebody's homeless or nothin' ... we all can use frie~dl~ folk to talk with. *shrug* I feel physically wiped out. Dunno why. Maybe Itil try biking home tonight see if I can't spark some circulation. ~'said something the othe ~out something called a Shiatsu massage where they press their umbs at stretegic points into your back. I could handle something like that just now I think. 23 July 1996 @ 2:32PM ~'umm, munchin' on some Chips Ahoy that someone had the misfortune to leave sitting out. Well ... Jessica just sneezed. _______________ Tonight is the night of our Web Developer's meal~arringto shipped us over 5 pounds of Ostrich ravioli for our pas Should be fun stuff I Well, I picked up a scratch pad the other day, Sunday. The rationale for it being that I can write stuff upon it while not near a computer, and transcribe it later if I so choose. I got an un-ruled one, so's I can draw pictures in it too. Righto, the first page's worth of excerpt; Sunday Took walk up to Best Buy, bought CDs, walk back to Jewel for bus tokens, cash, dog treats, milk. good deed: parcelled for lady when check-out girl went to replace damaged milk gallon. check out girl thus very couteous and thanked me. Kinda cute (Asian, name of Thao <- weird name) bought tapes @ walgreens bought a treat for Max @ Jewel too - rawhide -> might make a good dad/uncle someday? bought this sketch pad at jewel, nearly on a whim. Fits in short-pocket, can carry around, sketch stuff wherever, like on the EL we'll see what I do with this thing eh? prepared -Boy Scout's Motto Pretty lame huh? Looks like it serv~ better as a note pad to write stuff down on and become more eloquen~ with later. Well, got a tech support call from tt J ~ Said he was just at my web page. ~ the Christianity stuff could be offensive, but he din' worry as his Christian folk be takin1 over anyway. Think I should take that out anyways, develop something more refined.